Mystery gem

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Here's a drawing of the reader.

-{ last time }-

" No" she told us as the sky turned darker with pink hues. Then the clouds moved to reveal an giant injector. " Hey! Are you Steven Universe?" An unfamiliar voice asked. " Um, yes" Steven said nervously. The person smiled.

" Perfect"

-{ now }-

The person made their pinky into a horn? And blew it, activating the injector, plunging it into the earth. " Nice parking job ya dingus!" Amethyst yelled. As the person jumped down from the top of the injector.

" Well, well, well, well, well! Let me get a look at the menagerie!" The gem I guess said making her eye into a telescope

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" Well, well, well, well, well! Let me get a look at the menagerie!" The gem I guess said making her eye into a telescope. How you ask? I don't know.

" You must be Amethyst," looking at Amethyst." You must be Garnet," looking at Garnet then at Pearl. " And pink diamond's Pearl... Well she took you with her. Isn't that just..SWELL?" Making her eye back to normal and looked rather annoyed.

Then she looked at me " and what is this? He didn't mention another one. Is it a cute little bag of meat? Another one of Pink's broken toys?! Well it doesn't matter." She said. I was rather surprise by her words. Another one? One of Pink's broken toys? A cute bag of meat? Wait. What.

"It can't be..." Pearl said in disbelief. " Ah, ha, ha, ha, ah, Oh, ho, ho, ho but it can be. And it is. I got a new style" moving her hand through her pink tails. " And a few new toys" making her hand large and banging it on the injector. " That are going to put an end to your happily ever after ONCE AND FOR ALL!" She said getting angrier.

" Woah, woah, this must all be a misunderstanding. In case you haven't heard I established peace across the-" but Steven was interrupted by the mysterious gem " yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard. I had your little message to the universe on LOOP!" she stretched her foot and kicked Steven in the face knocking him backwards. All the crystal gems got out their weapons as the gem laughed.

" I just looove that part. Where pink diamond spend the rest of her days on this..NO WHERE PLANET! With a bunch..of.. NOBODY'S!" and she started to sing.

" That's right I've heard the story over and over again"

She jumped down from the injector and bouncing like a slinky towards Steven.

" Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends~"

She sang all up in his face as she went towards me and the gems.

" That's right I've heard the story"

Garnet tried hitting her but she dodge all of her punches.

" Don't really like how it ends "

She then flicked Pearls nose and then got Amethyst's hair and covered her eyes with it.

" Gee, it's swell it's finally meet her other friends~"

Then she wrapped her arm around me and spun me around like crazy. Next she grabbed Pearl by her feet upside down bounce her up and down

" What did she say about me? What did she say~"

Next she went to Amethyst and bounced on her feet like she some sort of rag doll.

" What did you do without me? What did you do~"

She said in babyish tone. Then she got Garnet and made her jiggle with her noodle arms.

" Did you play games with out me?"

Then she stretched her neck towards me. Getting all up in my face enough to make me fall over.

" What did you play~"

I went back over to Steven and hide behind him in fear. The gem got annoyed but then smirked as she zig zags her way to us.

" Did you think all this time I wouldn't find out about YOU?!"

She said as Steven stared in shock but I stared in awe. I actually never got the chance to see her face so clearly.
But I was out of thought went I felt a gloved hand grab the front of my shirt.

" OH, that's right that right I've heard the story over and over again."

As she twisted herself and made all five of us bang our heads together. Then she got up on the tower.

" Gee, it's swell to finally meet her ooother friends~"

Then Garnet got up on her knees. " She's running circles around us!" " I'm rusty give me a break!" Amethyst replied back as Pearl looked traumatized. " It really is her..but she can be serious." What you know her Pearl?" Steven questioned. " Can you tell us who she is?" As I look back to the gem realzing, looking hurt, but then that was all gone when she was filled with nothing but rage.

" Who am I?! Who am I?!"

She sang pointing to herself.

" You don't even know what your saying!"

She walked and crouched down on the roof of the tower holding the sides of the roofs with her hands.

" I'm the loser of the game you, didn't know you were playing!"

Then she got this menacing look and pulled something out of her gem.

" Let's play another game! This time I get to win!"

She got the thing from her gem and press on the button.

" Life's on the line!"

And it slowly stared to activated. By some sort of handle.

" Winner takes all! "

And next some light thing can out of the top to form what looks like to be a scythe.

" Ready or not! Let's BEGIN! "

Then she did some flips with the weapon and bounced off of the tower doing some more flips.

" OH, that's right I've heard the story over and over again "

She landed and spun around like crazy trying to hit the gems.

" Gee, it's swell to finally BEAT her other friends~"

She stoped spinning and kicked Steven, again, knocking him backwards. And then punching me in the chest, which really hurt and made me falling backwards.

"OH, that right I've heard the story don't really like how it ends"

She then stretched herself around the injector and then the tower.

" Gee, it's swell to finally BEAT her oother~"

She hooked herself to the tower.

" Oother~ "

Then the Crystal gems came running towards her as me and Steven tried to stop them.

" Ooooooootheeerr~"

Then she launched herslef towards them and slice them in half.

" Friends~"

You Are My Sunshine ( spinel x Human reader) Where stories live. Discover now