Your new best friend part 2

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- [ last time ] -

" Yippee! I'm so excited to meet you!" The gem said as she looked completely different.

Her ragged ponytails were now heart shape buns. Her clothes were more softer and cuddlier. And the biggest thing you can notice was, there were no more three black lines running down her face. She looked more happy and childish, as I  find extremely adorable.

" Your not mad at us?" Steven asked as the pink gem looked confused in a funny matter. " Mad? Why would I be mad at my... BEST FRIEND! hehehe!"

- [ now ] -

Then Pearl walked over to me and sang.

" This will be fun! Aren't you to lucky one!"

She then moved to the pink gem who was bouncing up and down in a cartoony way.

" Her cut is perfect! And she's pink as well~"

Then it looked like all the spot light was on her, while she was doing some funny dances. which made me giggle. Her smile got even brighter by the sound of my laughter.

" She'll bring you endless~ entertainment~"

Then the she went over to me with a big smile on her face.

" Your new best friend, Spinel!~"

She twirled and did a cute pose. Showing her cute spark.

So her name's Spinel. Huh, cute. As Spinel hugged me to the side there was dead silence. Until Steven broke it yelling " YOUUUUU!" Pointing at Spinel. Rushing over to me and her and shaking her by the shoulders. " What have you done to us?!"  And her shaking back and forth made squeaking noises which were  cute.

He stoped shaking her and Spinel booped our noses giggling. " Now it y'all's turn" as she wraps her stretchy arms around us a shaking us rapidly giggling. " W-would you p-lease cut that out?!" Steven asked as she looking surprised. " Please?" I told her. She put on a dirpy face a release us.

" Hey look! There's More gems!" She said getting on my back pointing to them. " let's ask them to play!" I look at her confused. Then Steven asked " Wait a minute, you don't remember?" " Remember what?" She asked, innocently.

We went outside of where the injector was. Still pumping the pink liquid into the earth. "Wooowie! That thing sure is big! You wanna climb it or somethin'?!" she asked me. " Wait, wait are you SERIOUS right now?! What about that stuff you said about how me and (Y/n) won't stand a chance against your injector." Steven said. " I said what now?" Spinel asked scratching her head. " You really don't remember huh. How bout you Lion? Can you make any sense of this?" Lion just roared. " Aw your no help either" well yeah, he can't speak cause he is a lion. Steven took out Spinel's weapon. " Well at least I can store this in your mane," he put it on Lion's mane but it fell. Steven looked shocked " I can store things in Lion's mane now?!?! That like the easiest thing I can do!!"

I felt something clinging to my arm. I look over to see Spinel looking at me with her adorable eyes, 5 inches away from my face. I blush, but not enough for her to see. Then I gave her some head pats, which she really liked and giggled.

" Guys! We're going to little home world! Come on! " Steven said to us. I grabbed Spinel's hand and made her follow me. I look down at her to see her surprised by the action and blushed a little. She looked up at me and I have her a smile. She blushed furiously and looked away with a shy grin.

~ Time skip ~

" She rode on that?!" Peri yelled looking through binoculars looking at the injector." Um yeah she did" I told them. " She said my human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injector." Steven said. " What does that  mean?" Lapis asked. I look back to see Bismuth thinking, walking close to sapphire that it alerted Ruby and went on defense mode.

Bismuth notice and backed away. " Why don't we just ask her?" Peri asked. " Well guys here's the thing" I told them then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look that way to see who it was. Then I felt another tap on the other shoulder. I look that way but again no one was there. "Huh? Where she-" " SURPRISE!!" Spinel yelled holding my arm.

I sighed " here she is. My new best friend Spinel." " A pleasure to meet you all" Spinel bow, being fancy. " I thought she was just trying to kill you?" Bismuth asked. " Wow, quick turn around." " No kidding, It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven." " I say it took me a day, a day and a half." I'm still on the fence about it" the three gem laughed it off as a joke.

"Alright, let's see what she hit you with" peridot said grabbing the weapon from Steven. " Woah, is it some sort of Lazer or some-" " be careful with that!" Bismuth said, snatching the weapon from peridot's hand. " It a rejuvenator" she activated the weapon. " Homeworld used this on gem that were stepping out of line. One swipe with this, your back to when the they made you." She said looking at Ruby and sapphire. " What are you looking at?" Rudy said. " Oh my stars! I touched it! I could of lost all of my character development!" Peridot shrieked. " Wait, how did you survive getting hit by it Steven?"

Steven looked shocked " it think I didn't. My human half kept me from poofing, but my gem half it took the hit! She set me back! It like I'm a kid again! I can barely control my powers!" Looking down at his hands " how do you reverse this?! Oh no, Do I have to get the diamonds?!" He grabbed the rejuvenator in his hand and put it back in in his pocket. " Your the one with healing powers, if anyone can fix this it's you" lapis said.

" I can't believe this. For the first in years everyone is in danger, everybody needs me, and-im useless!" He looked at the injector then at Bismuth.

" Bismuth, what do we do?" " I'm sorry Steven, ugh I don't know." Bismuth muttered looking down.

Steven glaced at Ruby and sapphire. " Garnet would know what to do," Steven looked like was at the verge of tears. " Garnet always knows what to do" his voice cracking, I was about to cry, knowing that everyone is in danger. I don't even know what going on with my brother. Is he ok? Is he hurt?!

" Hey! don't be sad!" Spinel said. She put her arm around my shoulder. " You new best friend, your new best friend, your NEW BEST FRIEND SPINEL! IS HERE!!"  She wrapped her torso around me waving her hands in the air. Then she started laughing and doing a summer salt in front me.

Sorry I've been gone for a week I been having trouble at school with tests, homework and family problems and I hadn't had the time for Wattpad so.... Yeah. Also I might make another book called shooting star soon after I finish this book. So make sure to tune in for that and thank you all for reading this book I was so thrilled on how many people actually read this book even though my writing is trash but thank you all!

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