Black&Blue Love

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Hello! Here's a Reddie fanfic for you. I worked on that a lot and I really hope you'll like it. Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language. Like I said in the summary, this happens 2-3 years after Pennywise, meaning that Richie and Eddie are 15-16 years old. And yeah, Henry Bowers, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins are still there. 

TW: Violence and homophobic slurs. Do not read if you don't feel comfortable with that.


Eddie Kaspbrak was going on a date with Richie Tozier. At least, that's what it was for the pair. They were going to the cinema, nothing unusual. Except maybe this time, if they managed to get a place at the very last row of seats of the room and there wasn't too much people and it was really dark, then they would maybe be able to hold hands. And if they got extra lucky, maybe they would even steal a kiss here and there. However, for the rest of the world, including the rest of the Losers, it was only two best friends going to the movie theater to enjoy a film.

They told nobody. It wasn't a good idea to expose themselves in a city like Derry. Even to the Losers. Richie agreed with him that it was better for them to shut up about their relationship. Anyway, the less people knew, the better. It eliminated the possibility of someone telling it by accident.

Eddie was fumbling in his closet, looking for something to wear. He discarded item after item, throwing shirts, pants and jackets around his usually clean and organized room. He really felt like an idiot; to pass this much time searching for clothes to wear on a date, like some teenage girl, was ridiculous. He finally selected a pair of classic jean and a pale yellow T-shirt, opting for something casual and simple. He got away quickly from the closet, because he knew that if he didn't, he would change his mind again.

He shouldn't have been this nervous, because Richie and him had already gone to the cinema thousands of times before, accompanied by the Losers or not, but he couldn't help it. It felt the same, but so much different, so much more official and serious than every other time. What if something bad happened? What if he messed up something? What if it was awkward, none of them knowing what to say? Then, feeling even more stupid than before, Eddie reassured himself by remembering that he was talking about Richie. Of course they would not not know what to say. Richie was always chattering endlessly, saying every single things that passed through his mind. He would speak enough for both of them, that's for sure. No worries there.

Eddie stared at himself in the mirror, hesitation painted on his face, his wide eyes looking back at him, both apprehensive and excited. He felt as if he was a big ball of stress, his stomach knotted with anxiety, but his heart also fluttering of trepidation and his whole body jumpy as eagerness and impatience flooded through him.

He suddenly blinked, breaking off his glaring match with his opposite self in the mirror, and he was ready to go, but doubt made him pause. He let out an exasperated sigh before turning around and going back to his outfit research. He quickly pulled his previous clothes off and fished out little red shorts and a dark blue T-shirt this time. He put them on, gave a last glance at himself in the mirror, and passed through his bedroom's door.

He hastily walked down the hallway, almost running, and went down the stairs even faster, skipping the last step and jumping instead. He landed perfectly, and slowed his pace from there, moving the most silently he could. He walked on tip-toes, quiet as ever, the last couple of meters that separated him from being outside, his heart thumping wildly. He stretched his arm, reaching for the doorknob, and his fingers made contact, even turned it, but a shrill voice made him stop dead in his movement.

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