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she ran through the halls with the book clutched tightly in her arms, her sparkling white heels slowing her down.

behind her was where her first love was catching up to her quickly, but she couldn't let him get ahold of the book, not after what she had found out only
moments before.

kicking off her heels, she was able to slow down the well dressed boy behind her by cleverly tripping him. this allowed her to get to the stage quicker, leaving the boy on the ground clutching his ankle.

her gorgeous blue dress trailed behind her as she ran to the gymnasium where the main stage was located. she threw the doors open, walking inside.

she looked up to see the vile man on stage. he was about to start speaking to all the cheerful looking seniors with a sly smile on his face.

she ran and pushed him off the stage. she stood in front of the microphone, taking a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to do next.

the man she had pushed aside immediately stood up, determined to get back on that stage.

her mother stood strongly in front of him, holding back any tears threatening to fall out.

"Eun.." he said as his eyes softened, the memories coming back to him.

her mother could only glare at him and mutter a few words coldly.

"it's over."

the girl on stage was about to speak until she saw her first heartbreak come running into the gym.

she took a deep breath and stood determined on stage, no one could stop her now.

she looked back at all the confused seniors and spoke softly, trying not to cry as she held up the book.

"this right here is the book of bets, and it just might destroy every relationship here."



y/n smiled to herself as she thought about him.

the shy brown-haired, doe-eyed boy had asked her on a date.

she blushed remembering how nervous he sounded as he spoke, and the cute shy smile he wore.

"i like you, and i know it's kind of pointless since you probably don't even know me and i know that it won't go anywhere, but i just can't help holding on to the hope that maybe there's a chance you could maybe like me too.. so what do you say, will you go out with me?"

what was she supposed to do? say no?

jungkook was on the football team. he was probably the best on his team too, she thought. she blushed thinking of his athletic and strong figure. he was always the quarterback.

y/n smiled to herself as she walked through the halls thinking about him. how did she of all people manage to score a date with one of the hottest guys in school?

she saw her best friend irene and walked to the cafeteria with her. after they grab trays, they sat down with the rest of their friends. the girls began to dine in, speaking of all the latest gossip, tea, rumors, etc. except for y/n, since she still hasn't taken a single bite of her food. she only sat there in a daze.

"what's got u so smiley, kit kat?"

y/n looked up at irene when she called was called by her nickname. kit kats were y/n's favorite candy.

"well, jungkook, the boy that sits next to me in science and the cute quarterback of the football team asked me on a date!" y/n said proudly. she smiled excitedly looking for the girls approval.

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