Bonus Short

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Okay, I lied. The Bolts meet Rainbow's other friends in the chapter after this bonus. Now, I know I said I was going to do all my MLP ships for the Bonus Shorts, but I'm not going to. I'm lazy, what can I say? 

this is a cute little "What if" about what Spitfire did after passing the responsibility over the academy students to Twi and Rainbow in Top Bolt

Spitfire trotted comfortably through Wonderbolt Headquarters, pausing in the sleeping quarters, where the Academy recruits were bunking for the week. That was one of the many reasons Trials Week was held during the break between training periods. Spitfire sighed happily and stretched, feeling the joints in her back crack pleasingly

"Ugh. I'm so stiff. Guess this teaches me not to stay hunched over half the night doing that ridiculous paperwork. Sometimes I wish I wasn't Captain. Wouldn't have to do all that boring stuff." Spitfire said to herself

Spitfire straightened up and spread her wings. they too, were aching and sore. she hadn't been out for a good, proper fly in so long. it felt like her wings had just about glued themselves to her body.

"Ugh. I need to fly. Maybe I can sneak out while Dash and Princess Twilight are covering the Classroom portion." she muttered, shutting her eyes at the pain from her stiffened wings. Then, somepony spoke behind her

"You put Dash in charge of the Claththroom Portion?" Spitfire smiled, eyes still closed, and turned, opening her eyes to see, sure enough

"Hey Fleet." she said, as the icy blue mare came up to her "What're you doing back here?" she asked

"I wath lonely at my place, there'th alwayth thomething exciting going on here, you do the math." Fleetfoot replied

"Funny Fleet." Spitfire commented, wincing a little as she folded her wings up again

"You okay?" Fleetfoot asked, reaching out and pulling Spitfire's aviator sunglasses off so she could get a better look at Spitfire's face

"Fine. My wings are just a little sore. Think I have time for a quick fly before Crash and Twilight finish the Classroom Portion?" Spitfire asked

"I've got a better idea. But why did you put Rainbow in charge of the Claththroom Portion?" Fleetfoot asked

"It was Princess Twilight's idea. Apparently they came on 'official friendship business'. Princess Twilight thought maybe if they taught a class, the newbies would be more comfortable coming to them with their problems. You should've seen the look of Rainbow's face when the Princess suggested they teach the Classroom Portion. Pure gold!" Spitfire chuckled

"Thoundth like thomething the motht openly thmart Princethth would come up with. Not sure if you have time for a fly, but I know what can get your wingth loothened up." Fleetfoot said, smiling

"You mean one of your famous massages?" Spitfire asked, nuzzling her

"Yep. Your room?" Fleetfoot asked

"Yeah, just in case it takes you a little longer. Don't want a Academy recruit walking into the sleeping quarters while you're helping me." Spitfire said, and Fleetfoot laughed

"Yeah, you'd probably kill them. Come on." Fleetfoot replied, leading her towards the Captain's private room. 

Spitfire let them in and then sighed, pulling off the drill sergeant uniform's blazer and unfastening the button-up shirt. she walked over to the bed so as not to overdo it with her wings before the massage. Spitfire climbed in and laid on her stomach. Fleetfoot followed and sat down beside the fiery mare. Fleetfoot carefully lifted up one of Spitfire's wings and began to massage it, pressing her hooves gently into the individual feathers.

"Mm. Yeah, I'm really stiff by the joints. I should probably stretch out my wings more often, huh?" Spitfire asked, and Fleetfoot laughed

"Yeah, probably. But if you did, I wouldn't get to do thith ath often." Fleetfoot leaned over and kissed Spitfire's cheek gently. Spitfire smiled 

"This is exactly what I needed. Just a quick break before I have to get back to drilling the recruits." Spitfire sighed

"Tho, how are the newbieth? they giving you any trouble?" Fleetfoot asked

"Not much. There's one kid, Sky Stinger, who seems pretty promising. He came with a mare named Vapor Trail who claims to be his wing pony. haven't seen them fly together much, but I should get to during the freestyle training." Spitfire replied

"That thoundth good. Been meaning to athk you, are you going to put Thunderlane on the team anytime thoon?" Fleetfoot asked

"Yeah, been holding him back to give Dash some time to settle into the team. I can only handle one new 'bolt at a time, and considering the track record Rainbow says Thunderlane's got with the Ponyville Weather Team, I thought maybe some extra time at the Academy would be good for him." Spitfire replied

"That maketh thenthe. Anyway, how'th thith?" Fleetfoot reached down and put her hoof gently on Spitfire's wing joint

"Ugh!" Spitfire grunted, and Fleetfoot pulled her hoof away

"It's alright Fleety, just a little discomfort, you can keep going." Spitfire assured her

"Okay. But are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Fleetfoot said nervously

"I'm sure. But can you do my other wing now? They're going to do Freestyle training after the Classroom Portion, so I'll need to fly around in order to critique them." Spitfire said

"Alright. You shouldn't be tho hard on the recruitth, you know. they're doing their betht." Fleetfoot said

"If you'd seen them doing the required 500 laps earlier, you'd be giving them a hard time to. But I do try to offer tips when I'm done chewing them out. and there's no way I'm gonna stop yelling at them, it's one of my favorite parts of the job." Spitfire said

"I know, but really, if they're that bad, then why did they bother applying?" Fleetfoot wondered

"Well, they're good ponies, but they really need to work on their basic techniques. Not that I'm complaining. Teaching new skills to the next generation of Wonderbolts is also one of my favorite parts of the job." Spitfire said

"You're a big thoftie, you know that?" Fleetfoot teased pulling away

"Shut up Fleet." Spitfire sat up and sighed in relief, flapping her wings a little "Thanks. Much better." she said

"You're welcome, now, how will you pay me for that?" Fleetfoot asked

"In kisses." Spitfire wrapped her hooves around Fleetfoot and tackled her, pulling her in for a rough, but passionate, kiss. The two fell onto the bed, kissing. When they broke apart Spitfire glanced over at the clock nearby, jumping away

"Hey! We weren't finished!" Fleetfoot yelped

"I know honey, I'm sorry. But I lost track of time, the Classroom Portion's over. We'll pick this up again tonight, 'kay Fleety?" Spitfire said, putting her Drill Sergeant uniform back on

"Alright. I'll wait here." Fleetfoot said, giving Spitfire a soft kiss. Spitfire smiled and gently shoved her

"Stop it you. I can't be blushing when I go back to the newbies." Spitfire complained

"Okay, okay. Thee you later baby." Fleetfoot replied, smiling. Spitfire smiled back and put her sunglasses back on, leaving the room.

"I'm so lucky to have such a forgiving marefriend. And a hot one." she thought, heading for where Twilight and Rainbow were in the distance, trying to put a straight face on as she saw Angel Wings having trouble with a cloud busting exercise.

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