Chapter Three- Tyler

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A/N Before editing this chapter was 2.8K words. It is now well over 5K. I hope you enjoy it because it took me forever  to fix 

Like, two years after writing this, I figured I should put a warning out there. THERES implied SeX IN THIS CHAPTER. Yes, Tyler is only a freshman, and I don't condone these actions. Also, I'd like to stress that Pierce isn't attracted to Tyler because of his age, but because he's Tyler. 

Tyler- Freshman


From: Ace

What are you doing, then?

Tyler lifted his head from where his cellphone was hidden on his lap under the table to look around the room, making sure no one– especially his mother– noticed him staring at his lap so often. While it seemed normal to him for teenagers to rely on their cellphones for entertainment in such situations, no one else his age was using their phones, and he'd hate for his actions to reflect poorly on his parents.

It was another one of the Bradford's stupid dinner parties and the room was filled with businessmen and their elaborately dressed wives. The occasional business woman could be spotted amongst the croud, distinguishable by her smart pantsuit rather than the cocktail dresses the wives wore, but Mr. Bradford had few female employees. Tyler liked trying to spot them when he was bored.

There were two reasons for this, he determined with a little thought during one of his bouts of intense boredom. The first reason was that he found finding them fun in the way hide and seek was when you were it– marginally less fun than when you were the one doing the hiding– and the second was because they were the only people in the crowd that seemed real.

He wondered what it was that made these women smile less than the rest. Many a time Tyler had asked his mother why she stayed at home with him instead of working. "Well, I didn't go to college," was always her first answer, and more often than not she would follow it with something along the lines of, "it's also not always easy to be a working woman". Maybe this was why they never looked too happy when Tyler laid eyes on them, mixed in with their male co-workers.

Whatever the reason was, it didn't really matter to him. Tyler thought he liked these women more, liked the way that they stood out from everyone else wearing their fake, plastic smiles and pretending like they were having the time of their life. His own mother was somewhere in the jumble of people filling the ballroom looking just like that, almost unrecognizable to him.

He remembered the first time they had gone to one of these horrible parties, when he had walked down the stairs wearing the new sweater vest his mother had bought him– she had thankfully stopped buying them about a year after that so he no longer had to wear them– and paused at the sight of her standing in the doorway, hair pulled up into a fancy looking bun. She had been wearing high heels and a tight teal dress and make up and Tyler recalled thinking she looks so much better the other way. His father hadn't thought so though. Distinctly, Tyler could remember the look on the older man's face when he had joined the two of them in the living room and just looked at his wife for a long moment before she had noticed he'd arrived. Maybe Tyler remembered it so well because it was one of the few times that he thought his father probably actually loved his mother.

The memory was slightly distressing to him– it pissed him off, because it seemed unfair that his father would look at her like that only when she no longer looked like herself– and he lowered his gaze back down to his cell phone in his lap to reread Ace's message.

To: Ace

At a work dinner party for my father. My parents are busy being adults so I just have to sit here alone.

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