Saturday Night (performance)

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I was standing backstage wringing my hands together, I thought I was ready but oh god no, my nerves where through the roof. Aidy and David had nearly finished there sketch which I would laugh at but I was so nervous I forgot how to laugh. Suddenly I felt a familiar arm around me, it was Fred trying to comfort me

"hey there soldier, you shouldn't be so nervous" he said calmly
"I know but - I don't know" I stuttered
"you think you're nervous, have you seen Bill over there" I looked over to see Bill walking back and forth rubbing his hands together
"I think you should go a comfort him" Fred advised. I walked over to Bill cautiously, I've never seen him so nervous before I grabbed his hand and he looked up at me
"it's going to be fine" I said in a stern but caring voice although I was just as scared I knew that calming him down would also calm me down
"am I making you more nervous? " he asked desperately
"I'm making myself nervous, you can't make it any worse-but if you're calm then I'll be as well" I reassured, then he pulled me into a hug, i hugged him back tightly
"thank you for being here" he said
"it's ok" I replied, I then looked around, and surprisingly there was not that many people running around, just a few tech guys. When I turned to face bill again he was looking deep into my eyes, he then leaned in a gently kissed me with his soft lips, I was suprised but knew I would never have the chance to do this again so I kissed him back but before he could deepen the kiss and embarrass us both in front of everyone else, I heard the audience applaud and saw aidy and dave run off stage - I pulled away from Bill
"we're on in like 5 seconds" I said
"oh shit yeah I forgot about that"
"I'm scared" I confessed
"it'll be fine" he smiled at me
"ok" I turned and stood next to Paul rudd who I was about to go on stage with, he turned to me and said
"let's go y/n"

The sketch was amazing, I didn't mess up my lines and I got so many laughs from the audience, it was so much fun and everyone said I did so well. We all ran on stage to thank the audience and end the show for the night and it was so crazy but worth it.

I was walking back the my mini-makeshift dressing room when a door opened and I was pulled into a room "what the fuck!?" I opened my eyes to see Bill holding me
"god Bill why did you do that, you scared the shit outta me" I laughed lightly
"I'm sorry- I just wanted you here" he apologised
"that's fine just next time make me feel like I'm not being kidnapped"
"I thought it would be funny" he looked embarrassed
"nono it was, I just got scared as well" I giggled, comforting him
"why did you bring me in here then"
"oh yeah, um, well I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the sketch and I just wanted see you again" he said "you did really well by the way"
"really? Thank you Bill" I beamed
"no problem, sugar" his hands went to my waist "there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking about though, for the rest of the night" he purred
"oh yeah, and what's that?" I said looking deep into his lust filled eyes
"the way you kissed me" he looked at my lips then back into my eyes
"you gonna show me how much you thought about it" I flirted, he then pulled me close and crashed his lips into mine and we both kissed in sync with each other, it was heaven - his lips were so soft and he held me tightly. Bill then started to walk over to the couch in his dressing room and sat down with me on top of him, straddling him, I put my hands in his hair and grabbed lightly onto his soft brown curls. His tounge traced my bottom lip asking for entrance which I accepted and I felt his hands slip down to my ass, I gasped at this and he smirked smugly at my reaction.

suddenly we were interrupted by someone knocking on the door
"hey Bill, have you seen y/n anywhere? We're leaving soon by the way so get ur shit together" it was Kyle at the door
"uh, no I haven't seen her anywhere and I'll be out in a minute!" bill stuttered, he looked over at me and put a finger to my mouth
"ok, well try and find her when your done and meet us outside in about 10 minutes " Kyle said
"Ok, will do bro" bill shouted. I giggled at the fact bill said bro but he covered my mouth until he heard Kyle walk away, I burst into a fit of giggles when he moved his hand from my mouth
"fuck that was close" he panted
"it definitely was" I laughed
"I think you gotta go get ready" he looked at me with a sad smile
"I know" I sighed, I got up from his lap and made my way to the door
"wait" he said getting up from the couch as I turned to face him, before I could say anything his hands were on my face and he kissed me sweetly with his soft lips
"see you soon sugar"
"bye" I beamed at him,i made my way out his dressing room, making sure no one saw me and made my way to my own dressing room. From as soon as I left bills dressing room to leaving my own all I could think about was bill, what just happened and what could happen now-its driving me crazy.

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