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What's your real heart?

Mother's hero name: Devika ~ little goddess

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Mother's hero name: Devika ~ little goddess

"...A real tragedy occurred last night. Devika has once again astonished us all by saving us once more but I'm sorry to inform everyone that this was tragically Devika's last fight. May she rest in peace, and our most sincerest  condolences to her family."

Katsuki's eyes watched her as she sat at her seat, acting as if nothing had happened. He quickly grew annoyed of the murmurs and whispers, he silently stood up, pushing his chair back harshly, instantly silencing the others.

He calmly walked over to his girlfriend and stood next to her. "Hey, can we talk" his voice was surprisingly quiet and caring.

"Why are you here Y/n?" Bakugou was calm and that was more unnerving than when he was screaming at the top of his lungs. "What do you mean? I have to come to school" she decided to play dumb even though she knew it wouldn't work. But she still hoped he would just leave her be.

"You know what I mean" Bakugou began to sound a bit more irritated but still remained calm. "You should be at home" he leaned against the wall, his ruby eyes staring down at her. "Why?" Her voice was barley above a whisper. "Just fuck off" she silently pushed past him and went back into the classroom.

As the day carried on Bakugou kept an eye on Y/n. She wasn't okay, she ignored the others and made rude remarks at people who mentioned her mother. It was painful to watch, but in the end he couldn't truly understand how she felt.

He had never lost someone like she had, he knew there would always be a whole he could never fill in her heart but he still wanted to help. His red eyes watched her intently as he walked right up to her. "Come here" He grabbed her wrist and dragged her behind him before she had a chance to say anything.

"Look. I get it. You're scared, lost and angry. But lashing out at everyone is not going to make you feel better. You have to let us help you, let me help you." There was a moment of silence, just silent staring before her eyes began to water. "It's not fair, why'd it have to be her?"

There it was, she had finally broken down from the overwhelming heartbreak. "Just let it out...I'm here..." his voice faded as he held her close. 'For as long as you need me.'

AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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