Familar Stitches

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(Aesop's POV)
Where am I? What's happening to me? Am I dead? It was dark where I was standing- or well whatever I was doing. Did I actually die? Is this what hell feels like? I always thought it would've been a lot warmer than this; maybe I had a spiritual body or something? How am I still thinking... ah- I'm still alive aren't I? Well that's disappointing. If I'm still breathing then I'll probably suffocate if I stay inside any longer. That means I can probably move, right? Lifting up my arms I felt around but I couldn't! I was confined and a little claustrophobic. Where could I possibly be? I tried opening my eyes, but it was still dark as ever. Maybe I could bust out of here? I lifted my arms and started feeling around me. There was a hard smooth surface in front of me. Could I possibly open it? I tried pushing it but it wouldn't budge. I felt around for a knob, maybe? But still nothing. It was pointless wasn't it. Well, at least I'll die by the time I get out of here. I shifted myself into a sitting pose and just sat there, waiting for death to take me. It would probably take a while, but there wasn't really anything else for me to live for, right? I closed my eyes and slowly tilted my head. Somehow, the hard cold surface of whatever I was in had disappeared and I was now falling towards the floor! I closed my eyes bracing for impact when I felt something. It was soft and had a familiar scent to it...

"Aesop, is that you?..."

I had a major headache, and the bright lights weren't helping me at all! That voice though... why does it sound so familiar? I slowly adjusted and opened my eyes to find myself in a small cozy room; with just about anything you'd need to set your basic principles. I even saw my own make up box prepped on top of a little bedside table. But when I looked up, I saw him, Eli Clark. He was blushing, and his face was all red! I realized the uncomfortable position I put him in, and immediately moved away.

"S-s-sorry...," I whispered, backing away, not daring to make any eye contact.

He just chuckled before hugging me tightly, as a sign that he really missed me. Eli was one of my childhood friends, back when my father was always working. He always kept me company, and never left my side. Though I always felt bad for him, since he protected me when I needed help, or when I was just lonely, and by myself. I patted him on the back as he hugged me tightly. I was never really good with social interaction, but he didn't seem to mind. I guess he just missed seeing me and hanging out with me. Though, his grip on me loosened and he seemed a bit shaky.

"What are you doing here?" He said, with a slight smile on his face.

He seemed a bit worried, and had a slight change in attitude. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Knowing that it would be extremely difficult to process things into words, I grabbed the envelope and showed it to him. He seemed, tense...


He was silent, standing there looking blankly at the envelope. He stood like that for quite sometime actually. His thoughts ending when sounds of chatter and footsteps began to echo across the hallways. How many people are in this manor anyway? I was about to turn back to Eli, when he suddenly grabbed my hand and lead me towards the doors.

"E-Eli! W-w-what are you doing?"

Either way I couldn't back out now. He didn't even look back, what was happening to him? Being unable to do anything, I was unwillingly being dragged towards the front doors of the dining room. I could hear loud sounds of glass and talking. Even somebody yelling, and lots and lots of laughing. The male went to an abrupt stop, as he suddenly realized what he was doing. I was visibly shaking, and was absolutely horrified! He suddenly let go, and mustered out a soft "sorry..." I looked up at him completely terrified of the noises happening from the other side. Waiting, for my shakiness to finally subdue, I gathered up all my lost courage, and swiftly opened the dining room doors. The shaking returned and my mind in shambles. I regretted everything...

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