[Chapter Eight: Comedy = Tragedy + Time]

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My thoughts ran wild and I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat as I stepped into the room. At first, it didn't look like anything special. It was the large, cylindrical room that I was usually met with when I exited the elevator. Straight ahead, was a door. It looked the same as all the other doors. It seemed like I was merely heading into yet another test chamber, but I shook my head and eagerly walked the metal steps, and to the door.

The door slid open to reveal a small, dark room. The only thing I could see was a spotlight, illuminating only the center of the room. My heart leapt into my throat. I opened my mouth to call out for my dad. If anyone was going to be in that room, it was him. But before I could say a word, her voice filtered through the room. "Initiating surprise in three... two... one."

All at once, light flooded the small room, to reveal that it was just... empty. The tears that had filled my eyes were threatening to fall as I looked around, trying to find something, someone. Anyone. But all was silent and empty. Before I could process anything, she began to speak again.

"I made it all up." GLaDOS said simply. There was a moment of dead quiet, and in that moment, I fell to my knees, the tears involuntarily dripping down my cheeks. My eyes were wide in shock. I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe myself for trusting her, even for a moment. Why would I get my hopes up? I heard what sounded like a party blower, as cheap confetti fell around me from an opening in the ceiling. "Surprise."

The metal door beside me slid open to reveal another. test chamber. Just another test chamber. But I didn't move. I just curled up against the wall with my knees to my chest and sniffled, wiping away a tear and glaring up at the ceiling, pure hatred dripping from my gaze. I could feel my face heating up. I couldn't see myself, but I was sure my face was beet red. I wasn't sad, wasn't disappointed, I was angry. Why did she insist on tormenting me like this?

"Oh come on... If it makes you feel any better, they abandoned you at birth, so I very seriously doubt they'd even want to see yo-" I didn't know If she was finished with her sentence, and I didn't care. Quickly rising to my feet and slamming my fist into the steel wall, I had reached my limit "Shut up!" I screamed, voice straining. Much to my surprise, she did. She remained silent, even as I walked into the test chamber. She gave no explanation, no further remarks. I was left in silence. This time, I didn't mind. I went about my business, solved her test fairly quickly, and went for the exit.

Her voice chimed back on, this time, she was a little quieter. She sounded a little more gentle. "I feel awful about that surprise..." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked for the elevator, but when I got there, she did not open it for me. "Tell you what, let's give your parents a call right now." I heard a phone ring, before a new voice arrived over the speakers, though it was obviously generated by her. "The birth parents you are trying to reach do not love you. Please hang up." I crossed my arms and growled lightly. My parents did not abandon me on a doorstep. My parents loved me. She obviously did not know my parents.

"Oh, that's sad. But impressive. Maybe they worked at the phone company." She hummed. I simply shook my head and spun around to face the doors, tapping my foot. She finally decided to open them for me, and I was on my way to the next test. So this was my life. I figured I could focus on Wheatley again. I hope he's still trying to get me out of here.

My timing was impeccable, or perhaps it was Wheatley's, because when the elevator began to descend, I realized, I was not being sent down another long, dark shaft. Instead, I found myself viewing a large, open space; a part of the facility that seemed to need some construction work done. And sliding down a rail directly beside the elevator, was Wheatley.

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