[Epilouge: Wheatley]

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Much like the last chapter was in GLaDOS's p.o.v., this one is in Wheatley's. 



"I'm in space- Need to see it all- ba ba- ba- Space-" The Space core babbled on as he floated by, spinning. Nearby, the so-called adventure sphere, Rick, was arguing with the pink-eyed fact core. "Say one useful thing! I dare ya!" He yelled, to which the fact-head replied,"The Adventure Sphere is a blowhard and a coward." 

They went on like that for who knows long, and me? For once, I kept my bloody mouth shut. Well, I didn't really have a mouth to keep shut, but... Metaphor. 

I wasn't sure how the other three could carry on talking like their worlds hadn't just ended, but here they were. And here I was, stuck with them. I ignored them, for the most part, trying my best to look down and see the Earth, wondering what Chell might be up to, and if she had finally gotten what she wanted. It was hard to see, though, when I was spinning uncontrollably. 

"Will you three pipe down? For once? Heavens..." I muttered, but of course, they ignored me. I growled softly and narrowed my plates at the Earth as I spun around, and it came into view. "Hope you're happy, luv..." 

I felt a sort of anger gnawing away at me, but it was mostly toward myself. And, it was overshadowed by guilt, regret, and sorrow. I could have promised you that if the mainframe hadn't been feeding thoughts into my dub head, I wouldn't have betrayed her like that. It wasn't my fault. I wanted to point fingers. Again, metaphorical. I wanted to say that it was the mainframe's fault. 

The harsh truth of the matter, is that it wasn't, really. It was all mine. Eventually, I had to own up to that. I had nothing to lose now, so why couldn't I?

Part of me thought that I couldn't accept that it was my fault and forgive myself, because I had no way of knowing if anyone else forgave me. The cores that shared my company, they had nothing to do with it. The turrets that I had dismantled, I was pretty sure they didn't count, so that left three. 

There was that little turret that I'd found in the catwalk, the one with the smart--metaphorical--mouth. I wasn't so worried about her. Chances are, she had forgotten all about me, anyways. I never really did anything to her. Didn't have the heart to. I'm not a monster. 

GLaDOS was out of the question. That woman never liked me, for some reason. Well, maybe there were a few reasons. Reason one, I was kind of created to make her dumber, so that may have had something to do with it. Reason two, well, she didn't like anyone, if I'm honest. Reason three... I couldn't think of one off of the top of my head, but I did turn her into a potato. Never mind, that's definitely the third reason. 

Then, there was Chell. After all I had done to her, it was hard to believe that she would ever forgive me. That's not to say that I wasn't right about at least a few of those harsh things that I said, but I may have gone a tad too far. I would have liked her forgiveness, in fact, I would have liked it more than anything in the world. If she never forgave me, though, I would understand. 

The thing that bugged me the most, was that I never got a chance to apologize to any of them properly. As I floated there, three other cores babbling in the background, I noticed that they seemed to be driving further away. The two that were bickering, were now barely audible, and Space Core, well, he was getting around. Soon enough, I would be all on my own out in the void; and so would they. I couldn't say I felt bad about it. It's just- It would be a lot quieter without them. 

"So much space- I- I gotta see it all-" Space core gasped as he drifted by. I nodded to him. "Can I talk to you, lad?" 

"Ba- ba ba-" He responded.

 "I wish I could take it all back..." I sighed softly. "I honestly do... I honestly do wish I could take it all back." 

He passed by behind me, seemingly doing circles around me. 

"And not just because I'm stranded in space," I continued. 

"I'm in space-" 

I chuckled sadly. "I know you are, mate. Yup... We're both in space." It was odd, how I found myself, the usually loud-mouthed Wheatley, merely whispering. And not even to the Space core, for he was focused in on, "SPAAAACE!"

I was honestly talking to myself at that point, but it helped to at least think that someone was listening. 

"Anyway..." I rolled my eye. "You know, if I was ever to see her again... Do you know what I'd say?"

"I'm in space."

"I'd say... I'm sorry." I stared down at the blue, white, and greenish sphere that was now directly in my field of view. "Sincerely..."

"Too much space." I heard the Space core mutter behind me. "Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to Earth." I nodded in agreement with the lad's statement. 

"I am sorry that I was bossy... And... monstrous... and..." I paused, trying to think up something in my marvelous brain, better than whatever I had just said, but I couldn't muster anything up. 

All that was left to do, was to float slowly away. Maybe one day, I would forget about all of this. Maybe she would too. Maybe, I would drift so bloody far away, that I would freeze, and all of my mechanical bits would lock up, and that would be the end of little old Wheatley. Maybe, I would just shut down one day, never to be heard from again. Whatever the case, I was ready to go, all I needed was to dish out a meaningful apology. 

Though, if I couldn't say it to her face, I wasn't sure what good it would do. Regardless, It would at least help to wrap up loose ends in my own mind. 

"I am... Genuinely sorry... The end."


Thank you for reading, to anyone who has read this far

It's been fun...

Don't come back... 


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