Chapter 4 pt 2/2

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Time skip 1 week

Y/n: I'm doing online college his year what about you guys
A: I obviously have to I'm pregnant..
D: if you do it I will baby.. ❤️(my heartu)
J: I am
D: daddy harder
J: yeah kitten
Y/n: ew
A: my child's pour ears..
J: your child is like not alive yet..
A: shut the duck up..
Y/n: you are all cringy
J: sorry babe
Y/n: yeah *kisses jakes cheek*
J: aww your so adorable
D: so what do you guys want to do today..
J: I know this might be weird but do you guys want on vacation..
Y/n: where?
A: Canada?
D: I've never been to Canada..
J: Yea lets go there!
Y/n: I want to go where it snows like in a cabin!!
J: Dylan and I will rent a cabin if you guys find tickets!
A: Okay!
Time skip Packing and buying tickets.
A: okay I found Tickets but we're separated by twos
Y/n: let me guess I'm with Jake.
A: yup
D: *knocks on door* can we come in
Y/n: yea
J: we found a 2 bedroom 3 bath cabin are you good with it?

A: yup D: *knocks on door* can we come inY/n: yea J: we found a 2 bedroom 3 bath cabin are you good with it?

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Y/n: it's Beautiful!
A: not as beautiful as you..
Y/n: come here
*you guys hugged for like 5 minutes*
A: umm we found tickets but we have to leave tomorrow.
J: okay let's all start pack
You guys all pack and it takes you 2 hours
J: are you guys done?
Y/n: yeah I'm just making dinner 🥘
A: what are you making for us tonight
*btw it's 7:30*
Y/n: I am making Chicken Alfredo..(my older sister use to make this for me all the time soo)
D: sounds delicious I'm starving
J: same here..
A: when she makes my favorite food you gonna be seeing me going crazy..
Y/n: I try :)
J: it smells so good
Y/n: then eat it
eating dinner
J: so are you guys excited
D: YeS I Am sIr whY WoUdNt wE be ExciTed To See SoMe sNoW fOr the FirSt Time?
J: sorry Kitten
Y/n: you don't know how happy I am that I'm able to go to the all mighty Canada!?
A: Thank you for being my Friend
Y/n: YahH your the one that saved me from getting smacked bye Emily and Sarah in high school I should be telling you that!
D: you guys are adorable
J: yeah they are :)
A: *smiles*
Y/n: *frowns*
J: but they are the complete opposite.
Y/n: yep I don't get pregnant with my brothers best friend..
A: shit your dirty ass mouth
Y/n: *laughing*
A: YAH don't laugh 😆
J: crackheads..
D: Amelia do you want to head to bed..
Y/n: go I'll do the dishes
A: goodnight bitches
Y/n: goodnight Hoe love you
J: your friendship is weird *he talks to you while you do the dishes*
Y/n: yeah we're all weird in our own way,
J: *hugs you* thank you for making my sister happy
Y/n: yeah she's the best but stop hugging me!
J: I know you love it
Y/n: ya got meh there.
J: I'm going to head to bed goodnight..
Y/n: Hey wait for me..
J: yahh hurry up shortie
Y/n: your so cute

This is how you guys slept together *y/n pov*When I wake up I feel an arm around me and A messy haired boy on his phone next to me

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This is how you guys slept together
*y/n pov*
When I wake up I feel an arm around me and A messy haired boy on his phone next to me..
J: Hey you awake..
y/n: we have to get cleaned up we are leaving in like an hour..
J: yeah we leave at 6 am..
Y/n: it's 5 Jake please go shower..
j: okay mom be right back.
Y/n: don't you dare call me mom.!
J: sorry!
Y/n: love you❤️
J: love you more!
*time skip Airport bc im lazy*
J: okay Y/n the plane is about to be here
Y/n: we have 5 minutes
D: hey guys we need to wait in front of our gate
A: am I even aloud to be on a plane while pregnant?
J: I'm pretty sure if you aloud to have a screaming child on the plane you can
Y/n: *haha*
D: *laughs* your a funny guy
A: are you guys just gonna sit there or are you gonna get your tickets scanned :)
J: sorry
*time skip on flight*
Y/n: I'm tired
J: then sleep potato
Y/n: yeah you mushroom st0p it
J: cutie just sleep on my shoulder or something;)
—Okay in this story Jake and Dylan are not going to be famous or anything like that but I will put pictures of some things that will go along with the story thank you bye—

(Dylan and Amelias povs)
A: Hey Dyl
D: Yes Bebe
A: What gender do you think our child is going to be?
D: I think a Little Boy
A: I think we're having a baby Girl
D:: ohh really.
A: yeps
D: we will see in 8 and a half months..
A: yes we will!
D: So what's going on with Jake and Y/ns relationship? Didn't they like used to hate each other?
A: Jake and Y/n we're best friends in middle school and then they drifted apart.. Jake turned into a f-boy and his group of friends Bullied her and she cut herself a lot
D: wow that must of been very bad..
A: I'm happy she's doing better now with him..
D: there kinda dating right?
A: I think so
D: there so cute together
A: I wish they would have babies
D: you sound like a little kid asking for there mom to have a baby sibling *laughs*
A: yeah It worked though!
D: don't you have a little sister?
A: yeah but she lives with my mom..
D: ohh nice
*flight attendant*: hello we are landing in Canada in any moment so I would suggest you bring a jacket out because you are going to be freezing cold..

(It is freezing in Canada..)
End of chapter
I'm making another chapter in right after this one!! Love you all I've been sick all day

)__End of chapterI'm making another chapter in right after this one!! Love you all I've been sick all day

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I feel like that's a face reveal but not okay bye luv you all

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