Chapter 1

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I had barely stepped inside, before I got swallowed by the wave of students that came from behind me without any warning. Feeling like a sailor trapped at sea, I tried to fight my way back to shore, which in my case was the closest wall. I pressed my body against it, secretly hoping I would disappear into the white stone wall. I let my sweaty hands cool off on the cold bricks. I feared I was going to faint. I focused on my breathing and tried to look calm. Inside I was screaming out of pure frustration.

Was it really necessary for me to attend this school? What happened to homeschooling? Why couldn’t I be taught at home? I desperately searched my brain for a loophole, but my train of thoughts was cut short by a rather harsh tab on my shoulder. Annoyed, I turned to face the person responsible of my, now, sore shoulder. My gaze met a pair of eyes that were looking down at me from a little more than a foot above mine. That’s one tall guy! I thought, no longer feeling the need to tell him off. He sent me a crooked smile. Not wanting to return the smile I raised an eyebrow.

“What?” I asked in a voice as bitter as lemons. What a great way to make a good first impression, Coraline! To make up for my not-so-kind out burst I twisted the corners of my mouth upwards in a small smile. He frowned but then just shook his head. “Are you lost?” He asked, now smiling again. “Lost? What do you mean lost? I’m right here.” He chuckled at my childish remark and shook his head. “No, I mean, do you know where you are going? I don’t suppose you are being taught out here.” I glared at him more confused than ever. He noticed my frown and continued: “The bell rang five minutes ago.” Shocked, I glanced at the empty hallway.

Five minutes ago? Great, this is just fucking fantastic! “What the hell happened? I’m going to be late at my first class on my first day!” I opened my bag pack and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. I skimmed it and looked back up at the guy, who was staring at me with an amused look on his face. “Stop laughing! Can you tell me where the principal’s office is?” I asked as sweet and pleading as possible. “Sure.” He told me and grabbed my bag pack. He turned without another word and headed down the hallway.

“Hey!” I ran after him and tried my best to keep up with his long strides. Like many times before I wished I had longer legs. I barely, and I mean barely, managed to keep up with his pace. After a couple of minutes he stopped in front of a black door with a silver sign that said: ‘Principal’. “What’s your name?” He asked in a curious and pleasant voice. “I’m Coraline.” He smiled and offered me a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Coraline. I’m Alex.” I shook his hand and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you too.” I smiled. Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all. I seriously had to lay off the bitchy attitude.

“Oh, you are going to be late!” It suddenly hit me, that if I was late, then he sure as hell was as well. “I’m very sorry for taking up your time. Are you going to get in trouble?” He laughed at me again and shrugged. “Don’t worry about it; I usually do whatever I want. I’m too cool for school.” And with those words he spun on his heels and jogged away, leaving me starring at his back, mouth wide open in disbelieve. Okay, I thought, he really has high thoughts of himself. Shaking my head I turned to knock on the door to the principal’s office.

“Come in.” I pushed the door open and entered the room. An elderly woman sat behind a big mahogany desk, looking at me over the edge of her spectacles. “Ah, Miss Maine I suppose?” She smiled, revealing some crooked and slightly yellow teeth, as she stood and gestured for me to sit down on the empty chair on the other side of the desk. She pushed her glasses up in her grayish hair. I sent her a shy smile and took a seat. She seemed nice enough. I placed my sweaty, clasped hands in my lap.


I wandered around in the deserted halls. Mrs. Jensen, the principal, had suggested that I explored the school, since it wouldn’t make much sense for me to show up in my English class. I had missed more than half of it already. So there I was, on my own in serious need of the girl’s bathroom. I strode down another corridor which looked exactly the same as all the others I had been on. They all had painted white brick walls, dusty blue lockers and a clean, light grey linoleum floor with a fat, blue stripe down the middle matching the lockers. How stylish! I thought full of sarcasm. Just then I found the girl’s bathroom. I let out a happy laughter and skipped to the door.

As I went inside a thick wall of perfume hit me in the face, causing my eyes to water. I covered my nose and mouth with my sleeve. I was very tempted to walk back out, though it was kind of an emergency that brought me here, but I didn’t even get to finish that thought. Before I knew it three girls had burst through the bathroom door laughing like hyenas. I took a step back, so I wouldn’t get stomped upon. They went to stand in front the mirrors, each girl occupying an entire mirror. They continued to talk and laugh not taking any notice of me. I took advantage of them being oblivious to me, turned my back at them and silently went for the door. There had to be another bathroom somewhere. As I grabbed the door handle, the girls suddenly went silent. “Hey! Girl!” I turned to face them still covering my mouth. “Yes?” I whispered. I was terrified. Teenagers scared the crap out of me, especially teen girls. I had no idea how to relax around them, and I had not had any real friends since I was ten, so I didn’t know what to do and how to act. I guess I have been isolated from the world of teenagers. I made that choice myself many years ago. No one is to blame but me.

They were now staring at me. Six eyes pierced every inch of my skin and I felt naked under their gaze like they could see right through me. It took everything I had in me not to turn around and run out of the bathroom. Instead I looked right back at them. They looked so alike I almost thought they were sisters. All three had honey brown, shoulder length hair and a slightly tanned skin. None of them were very tall; actually they were about the same height as me. That equals to a height of mere 5’3 feet, give or take an inch. They were all slim and toned in just the right places. They were probably a part of one of the many sports clubs. Perhaps they were dancers.

“Is there something wrong with your face?” The girl standing to the left asked. I frowned and removed my arm from my face. “No…” A gasp slipped through the lips of the girl standing in the middle. I shot her a sharp look, thinking she might say something insulting about my face. No one will ever be allowed to criticize my appearance ever again, I had had enough of that. Ready to defend myself, I got a proper look at her and then I realized why she had gasped. Right there in front of me stood Sophie.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter. Please correct me if you find any mistakes in the text. Help me learn! Please VOTE if you like what you read, it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!


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