Chapter 3

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Suddenly I understood the lyrics Metric had sung to me just the night before.

I tremble. They’re gonna eat me alive.

If I stumble, they’re gonna eat me alive.

I was very aware of Sophie’s arm looped around mine. I glanced around at the crowd. I had my very first Déjà vu; the group of boys surrounding us resembled the one, I had run out on so many years before, a terrifying lot. Only their faces were different of course. But I did not like it the smallest bit.

Can you feel my heart beating like a hammer? Beating like a hammer!

I felt dizzy. I didn’t want this. I hadn’t planned this. I did not want anything to do with Sophie. She was a human trap. “Sophie!” I untangled my arm from hers and faced her. “Who do you think you are coming to me like I am your long lost teddy bear?” My eyes narrowed on hers. She was taken aback by my outburst, but she recovered soon enough. “Coraline, what is the matter with you?” Her voice was hurt. She looked hurt. But I didn’t fall for it. I had learned from my former mistakes. No matter how sweet and kind she was to you, don’t trust her. One minute she’s sweet as honey and with the manners that would make any mother shed a proud tear, the next minute she’d be cold as ice, not caring if she hurts you as long as she gets what she wants.

“Oh Sophie, dear… I’m not falling for your little play ever again. Once was enough.” I grabbed my bag and walked away with very confident steps. I headed towards the classroom and felt quite pleased with my words. She needs to be told. Just then someone grabbed my shoulder. I twirled around and was surprised to see Sophie’s confused face. I sighed.

“What have I ever done to you Cora?” She frowned at me and looked very, very innocent. That just pissed me off. “Are you for real Sophie? Did you seriously just ask me that?” She opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off. “You don’t recall why we haven’t spoken in three years? Why we haven’t met the past three years? If you don’t I guess you’re just dumber than I thought.” I shook her hand off my shoulder and began to walk away again, but she grabbed my arm again and made me face her… again.

“Who are you? Who is this cold person you’ve become Coraline? It makes me sick to see!” She let go of me and crossed her arms over her chest. I just stared at her with my mouth wide open. What did you just say, you… cow! But of course I did not say that.

I’m being cold? How dare you make this about my behavior! I’m not doing anything that any normal person wouldn’t do. I’m standing up for myself; I’m trying to protect myself.” I snapped at her. Startled, she looked at me with wide innocent eyes. “Who are you protecting yourself from? Me?”

Now it was my turn to look startled. A lonesome tear appeared in the corner of her eye and slowly slid down her cheek. What?! Don’t cry, don’t cry; please don’t cry! “Stop crying! Dammit Sophie, you’re not going to make me feel guilty.” I said through clenched teeth. She just kept crying and to make matters worse, she also began to sob like a small child. This all happened in the middle of the hallway in front of a rather large group of students. Great, now I get to the bad guy in front of an audience too. Did they really not have anything else to do than to just stand and stare at us? Talk about being rude.

“We haven’t s-seen each other in t-three y-years and this is h-how you treat me?” She sobbed. “Please don’t cry.” I mumbled not feel that cool anymore. She let out another loud sob and covered her face in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking like crazy and her hair fell to the sides of her head, making her look like a five year old. An innocent five year old, that is.

I just looked at her feeling totally helpless. It wasn’t a feeling I was used to. Normally I was the person others would come to when they were feeling bad. Tears were my thing. But now, I had no idea of what to do.

I realized I only two choices. Either I’d apologize and follow her at her slightest command, or I could just walk away. I sighed. It’s now or never, Cora. I sucked in a deep breath and turned my back at the crying girl. I walked away.

Help I’m alive.

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