Chapter 25

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"Who said this?" I grabbed two fistfuls of the rogue's shirt and pulled her into a sitting position. "Who sent you?"

Instead of answering, a bloody chuckle escaped her mouth. I shook her entire body, trying to get her to answer me, but to no avail. She simply continued to laugh.

"I'm never telling you anything, Red she-devil."

I felt my eyes darken and without another second to waste, I slammed her upper body towards the ground. A sickening crack of her skull filled the still forest, before a slow red color began to taint the undergrowth around her head.

Cindi. Shyrin reminded me, sending me flying off the rogue and over to my pack member.

Cindi's fragile body was lying on the forest ground several feet away. Her eyes were closed, making her look like she was only in a deep slumber. What destroyed the illusion, was the knife buried deep in her stomach and the blood staining the lower part of her shirt.

My knees scrubbed against the rough ground, as I came to halt right next to her. I strained my ears, searching for the one sound that was important right now. It was weak, but was still there. Her heartbeat.

Carefully I lifted her into my arms, making sure not to move the knife. I couldn't remove it, as I didn't want her to bleed out.

Conscious of my every step I began to carry her towards the pack hospital.

"Come one, Cindi. Keep fighting." I chanted like a mantra, hoping she could somehow hear me.

Cindi's been hurt. Come to the pack hospital. I sent the mind-link to both Blake and Beta Easton.

The moment I reached the said building I bellowed out for Dr. Goode. I didn't even give the reception nurse time to open her mouth, before I was already heading for the operating room.

Dr. Goode came running down the hallway just as I reached the right door. It took him a second to take in what was happening, before he swung the door open for us. I carried Cindi into the room and laid her onto the operating table.

"What happened?" He asked, already sterilizing his hands and putting on a pair of gloves.

Before I even had a chance to answer, both Blake and Easton barged into the room, painting. This must have definitely been some kind of record, at least for the Beta.

While Easton ran up to his mate, Blake's eyes first landed on me. He roughly grabbed my shoulders and let his eyes scan me over. Because the blood staining the front of my shirt wasn't mine, he relaxed after a moment.

He opened his mouth, but I beat him to it. I knew exactly what he was going to ask.

"A rogue stabbed her before I could stop her." I wasn't sure to whom exactly I was explaining this. "I killed the bitch, but I have no idea who she was or who sent her."

"Okay." It came from Dr. Goode, who was already focused on the knife still inside Cindi.

Several nurses came rushing into the room, forcing the three of us to leave. While Blake and I gave no protest, Easton went into a fit of rage. Blake had to forcefully pull him out of the room, so the doctor could begin his work.

For once in my life I didn't judge Easton for his reaction. His mate was hurt. I couldn't even imagine what I would do, if I ever found Blake in such a state.

"How's your head?" Blake asked me, without looking in my direction.

We entered the waiting lounge, where Blake forced Easton into one of the many plastic chairs. The said guy stopped struggling and slumped down. The lost look in his eyes, had my skin itching with an unknown feeling. Why the hell would I feel anything seeing him in such a state?

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