Chapter 34

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Nothing could beat the breakfast served in the pack house. The meals in the pack hospital couldn't even compare to the deliciousness that was this food.

I was so wrapped up in enjoying the staggering amount of food that a barely audible moan escaped my lips. Fortunately, Blake was the only one who caught it. He lost his grip on his fork, as his head snapped in my direction.

I smirked at him, while the fork clattered against his plate. It earned him several curious glances from the gathered pack members, but he ignored all of them. He kept his eyes focused on me, wordlessly telling me this wasn't over.

"Wow, it smells good in here. No wonder you decided to stay here." Hunter entered the room, catching both Blake and me by surprise.

He ignored the apprehensive stares from the gathered pack members, as he walked over to us and sat down right next to me. I would have thought he was completely healed, if it weren't for the slight wince when he sat down.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting, you idiot." I spoke with a full mouth, because I wasn't about to stop eating just to scold him.

"I couldn't stand being inside the prison for a moment longer." He stole a piece of toast off my plate, which earned him a nasty glare. "I tracked your scent and found myself here. Now, what does one have to do to get some food around here?"

"It's a self-service buffet, you dumbass." I snatched the toast back before he could take a single bite and went back to my own food.

"What is with you two and hospitals? Is it a Black Moon thing?" Blake glanced between the two of us. He was back to scowling, but at least he was trying to be polite.

"Dr. Sanchez." Hunter and I answered at the same time.

A shiver shook my upper body, as I thought of the Black Moon pack doctor. Thank the Goddess for Dr. Goode.

While Hunter went over to the buffet, Blake and I continued with our meal. I knew my friend well enough to know it would be pointless to try to make him go back to the pack hospital. He was just as stubborn as I, if not even more. He certainly hated hospitals more than I did.

When I finished my meal, I stayed put. Training was still out of question, so I had another useless day ahead of me.

"Why didn't you tell me you found it?" Blake asked, bringing me back to the present moment.

I turned to face him and noticed his eyes were focused on my hands. Looking down, I realized I had been unconsciously playing with my thumb ring again. The habit was too hard to break.

"I didn't find it. Hunter gave it back to me." I nodded in his direction. "Which reminds me, how the fuck did my ring end up back with you?"

"I've already told you that Snider gave it to me as proof you were dead." A few crumbs of toast fell from his mouth, as he spoke with a full mouth. "Hell, Ren what else was I supposed to think when he showed up with the ring? You've never parted from it before."

I guessed he still wasn't over the fact that his own chosen Beta betrayed him.

A loud thud caught my attention and I spun back to Blake. His hand was wrapped around the handle of a knife, which was buried deep inside the table.

"Son of a bitch." I twitched at the unexpected curse. It sounded wrong coming from him.

If the bastard had the ring, it means he got it from here. As he couldn't have snuck on my land without me knowing, it means that someone from our pack gave it to him. We have a traitor amongst us.

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