So uh sitting in science being boring thinking About stuffers I drew on my shoes they say stop domestic violence don't turn a blind eye don't overlook signs Its a growing epidemic then my other one is going to say something about mental abuse not sure yet but me and @Aj_wolf24 are trying to put an end to it because both of our moms have been through this.... So were going to put an end to this Were starting a petition to stop it so yeah comment If you wanna stop it yeaaaaaahhhhh let's stop this stuff okay Please guys if you know anyone whose been through this please comment down below and help us stop this cause it can kill people if it gets bad enough.
Another topic is doctorsssss my stepmom is a doctor in the pediatrics unit of the hospital here where I live so yeah enough of my yammering let me go update some of my other stories. so yeahhhhhhhh bye guys love you so much lets stop this please, please, please