reading/more about me

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Okay, I'm in science. But I just remembered my class and I are going to be reading A Wrinkle In Time. I've already read it but whatever. I also found out that we'll be reading the outsiders sometime. Hell Yeah, boiiii can't wait..... anyways just wanted to let y'all know about that. And guys I swear i'll post part two of WTF! soon I promise. Also, I found my senior yearbook quote, I know a few years early.... DON'T DO DRUGS WAIT I"M OUT OF SCHOOL ALL THE DRUGS I WANT LOLOLOL. Sorry guys  but heres some more about me

style: UM pants and some sort of kinda low cut t-shirt and hoodie

Favorite color: Black or blue

favorite book genre: Fantasy or mystery

favorite subject: Um does lunch count

The last song I listened to: The drug in me is you by falling in reverse

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