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Okay so just last week was spring break and during that time period, I was asked what I was going to do when I was older... I looked at the person and said I don't know yet I might become a cashier or something like that... They looked at me with a wtf look. I walked off and smiled. This was a fucking cashier at Walmart... Like hey, I'm actually gonna graduate high school and become somebody. welp maybe just maybe... 

Also, thank you so much Aj_wolf24 for saying that I was going to become a lowlife druggie even though my therapist said THERE WAS A 90% CHANCE I WAS GOING TO  wow words of wisdom right. And she said since my mom, aunt, dad, and grandmother had done drugs I was more than likely going to become a fucking druggie.

that kinda reminds me of boondock saints... You know where Rocco says I shot your cat you fucking druggie bitch i shoot myself if you can tell me his name. Then the girl goes smokie You don't even know his fucking name...  Like jeez. Also I got to meet him it was fucking awesome i have pictures and things signed by him.anyways I'm fucking done with every fucking thing it is so annoying. 

I hate reading enrichment..... The teacher is so annoying like shut the hell up so what if we're on youtube or listening to music. JUST FUCK OFF LIKE PLEASE......

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