The Fallen Angel

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God told me my mission. One I had to take seriously so it would be perfected. I couldn't mess up. Every detail, word, and sentence had to be heard. In one ear, and stuck in your head. There was no coming out of the other.

I nodded. Understanding everything. He told me this in particular. He could trust me. And only me. I couldn't believe I was doing this. A dream? Or is it am illusion of my goals to serve God as his knight in shining armor? I still couldn't tell at this point. It was too... Good to be true.

God smiled as I accepted. As we both stepped out from the House of God, there was a crowd. It seemed as everyone had been concerned about what was happening. Yes, I've never been sent to the House of God for a while, but that doesn't mean I was in trouble. I had no idea how many cared. It's weird.

We walked through to the last street of Purgatorio, the crowd of angels making way for us. It seemed as they already knew what was happening. But who told? As we reached Purgatorio's last street, the rest of the road was barely there. Maybe this was the road God had broken when that certain Angel was cast down to Inferno for eternity? They say he could never return..

I stepped forward as he told me to. I looked down at the universe below me. This was the last time I'll ever get to see this view. The last time I'll ever get to... be in Purgatorio. I had to take a deep breath. I'm realizing all the things I've had up here, noticing how much I'll miss this place.

"Skylariena. Keep your head forward, and close your eyes tight."

And that's what I did. I suddenly felt a surge of pain in not only my back, but my whole body. I'm sure you can guess what happened.

My wings were ripped off.

I screamed like I never did before. That fucking hurt, and he knew it.

'How fucking dare he--'

Wait. That thought. It was so negative.. Something such as that shouldn't have been felt during the process. It shouldn't have been felt here. Only positivity was allowed. I'm only hoping he didn't sense that.

"Skylariena. Open your eyes, and face your Creator."

I did so, trying to catch my breath as blood fell from my wounds. Blood has never set foot in Purgatorio, except His, when he was banned from the gates of this mystical place. Now my blood steps in His place. Was it a coincidence? Or is this part of the legend?

I faced God with strong eye contact. His voice then boomed again.

"You are now being sent to Purgatory. I wish you luck on your mission. As all the others do also. One thing before you leave, little one."

God stepped toward me. His face inches from mine. I admit, I was shaking on the inside. I mean who wouldn't though? This guys in your face. What would you do?

"Do not let Him in. For, He has many tricks that are blinded to the human eye. If you do let Him consume you, you are to never set foot in this place again."

I wanted to ask what he was talking about exactly, but before I could ask, I was kicked in the chest, and off the road.

I fell. I fell quickly. I saw everything disappearing before my eyes. It was something I've never seen before. The sky was white, now all of a sudden it was black, filled with stars. God disappeared. The angels disappeared. No. I disappeared. I fell from Heaven. My wings were ripped off.

At this rate, I was officially the Fallen Angel.

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