Let's Make A Plan...

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Once outside I whipped out my cell and hit my speed dial #1!



"Bout time! You ready?" came Trix's excited voice.

"Yup, be on my way in a few minutes."I replied.

"Did you get him?"

"Yes Trix I got him...."


"Damnit Trixa! My ear! You know, one of these day's you're gonna do that and put me deaf!" I spat in mock anger.

"Sorry girl, you know how I get when it comes to Buck. Mmmm he's one fine wolf I'll tell ya that! Girl, you so lucky, your mate's gonna be a wolf. Wish mine was! They're great in the sack, know what I'm sayin!"

I was quiet for a moment too long.

"Ah shit Nova, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too...." she started.

"It's cool Trix. Meet me at Gala Glitz in 30 ok?" I quickly replied.

"Yeah, yeah no prob girl. Want me to get us some drinks for when ya get there?"

"Nah I'm good. See ya in a bit."

I ended the call before anything else could be said. After a deep breath and a kick in the spine, I went to find the boys. They were, of course, in the gym. Grayson had apparently been working on his air to ground take down's and needed a victim...uhh I mean...volunteer to help him. Turn's out my big cousin Roman was the poor fool who stepped up to the challenge. I walked in on their little sparring match and decided instead of ripping Gray from the ring I'd enjoy watching him beat on Ro a little.

Unfortunately, Ro had been practicing and Gray's aerial lunge missed by a fraction of a second but it was still enough for Ro to turn on him and catch him in a headlock, which Gray immediately slipped out of. They repositioned themselves and in the next instant Gray was sliding across the ring at lightning speed but Roman saw him coming and threw himself to the corner of the ring. He lunged, using the ropes as propulsion and landed on top of Gray. Don't count him out though, Gray may be gettin up there in age but he's still as agile as he was back in his younger day's.

I decided I'd had enough of the show and it was time to call it quits. I'm not gettin bitched at by a pissed of bff because Gray here didn't wanna let Ro off the hook. I stood from my seat and cleared my throat. The room went deathly quiet as I now made my way to the ring. A young Were with shinning hazel eye's and shaggy blonde hair moved a few of the remaining chairs out of my way, bowing low in respect to me. I placed an assuring hand on his shoulder as he continued to bow.

"Thank ya sug." I drawled. Then I removed my hand and walked on.

"Gray, you and Buck are on guard duty. I'm goin dress shopping. Hit the shower and let's go." I said in my Alpha tone.

A quick nod from Gray and down he came. Buck was standing beside the ring and followed him to the showers.

"Hey cuz whats up?" Roman asked happily.

"Hey Roman, I'm good just goin dress shoppin for the big night." I replied.

"Ahhh, gonna catch Mr. Right this time around huh?"

"Gonna try...I guess." I said the last part a bit forlorn.

"Hey, you'll be ok cuz. Uncle Link's invited everyone in the States and Europe. We'll find him, ok? Even if the brothers and I have to drag every Alpha's son in that throne room kickin and screamin, we'll find him!" he tried reassuring me.

I smiled at him. His amber eye's sparkled at me. Roman is 5 years older than me and has always seen me as a little sister. All of my cousins have. I'm the youngest female born out of my generation in my family. So, I understood Roman's protectiveness over me, hell I even respected it.

"You wanna tag along? Daddy'd feel alot better if I had a blood kin protecting me while I'm in the big bad city." I chuckled.

"Know what, I just might take you up on that offer...but not today. Got guard duty tonight. The first group of International Brit's will be coming in soon. Uncle Link wants all the family close. We've never had so many of them come at one time, it's a little unnervin to be honest."

"You'll do great Ro, you were born to protect." I assured him.

We continued to chat for a few more minutes before Gray and Buck came out of the locker room, already in suit and tie.

"Ready Miss Nova?" Grayson asked.

"Ready big guy." I winked as I said the pet name and headed for the door, waving goodbye to Roman.

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