The Road to Hell...

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Ever heard that old saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" well, this road was laid, paved and ready to be put too use. I sat at my throne, pondering what I would have to do or say to keep the boy, Eodan, by my side. He lay across my lap now, sleeping peacefully once more. The pack doctors looked him over and aside from some dehydration, he was going to be fine. I stroked his soft dark locks, waiting.....I knew they'd come for him. They had no choice now that I had outed their Alpha as being the boy's brother. The door's to the throne room swung open as the Alpha, Darrow, waltzed through. The air began to sizzle and crackle from the Alpha aura he was resonating. His eye's locked to time...

I composed myself as everyone filled the room. My father, Grayson and our group of selected guards surrounded me on the throne. I shooed the guards in front of me away so I could see Alpha Darrow, this man intrigued me on a wicked kind of level. I began to feel a warming sensation all throughout my body as my eye's hid beneath my lashes and secretly wished to have a peek at what lay under his elegant kilt. (YES I said sexy can ya get!) After putting my hormones on lockdown and reigning in my lust I held up a hand to silence the room. Lord Clarke took this as his signal to step forward.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!" he demanded at Alpha Darrow. I simply continued to stroke the sleeping Eodan's hair.

"The same could be asked of you." said the supposed Beta I'd encountered earlier.

"I am the heir to the High British Representative's Pack! Now, answer my question's. Who are you? Why are you here? What business have you with the princess or Royal family?!"

"Alpha Darrow is Alpha, High Representative and KING to the Scotland pack. You would be wise to watch how you speak in his presence...boy." Spat the Beta.

"KING! There is no KING of Scotland! That bloodline was eradicated many years ago! There's no way! You lie!"

"Your highness," the beta spoke directly to myself and my father who sat next to me.

"Your highness, we can prove our Alpha is in fact a direct descendant of King James Stuart or better known as King James VI and Queen Anne. His ancestor was the first born, before Charles I and was the rightful ruler to Scotland after James V had died. A simple blood test will prove what we say is the truth."

I must admit, I'm so freakin' intrigued right now. No one has seen or heard of a Scottish high king since the early 1600's! This is an amazing find...if it's true.

"You're not seriously going to believe them?! Your highness, clearly they are lying! The Scottish Royal bloodline was, as I said, eradicated! There would be NO possible way to compare his DNA.

Before I could say a word my father held up his hand to silence the now highly agitated Lord. He looked to me, I nodded in agreement, then he looked at the Alpha Darrow. I knew exactly what he would say.

"Thank you Lord Clarke, that will be enough. We do not need a blood test....we have Nova. Now, Alpha Darrow, please step forward." He did as he was told...good boy, seems there's hope for him yet.

"Do you consent to giving a sample of your blood to the princess, so that she may determine your lineage?"

He simply nodded, never taking his eye's off me. I roused little Eodan and as I stood I sat him in my place. He rubbed his eye's then flopped over like a lazy old coon dog. I heard a muffled chuckle from beside me and knew my father was amused by the boy. I straightened my posture and strode confidently to the Alpha, as I closed in on him I became assaulted by the smell of coming rain. It took over my senses and caused me to nearly falter. I regained my composure just as fast as I had nearly lost it and came to a dead stop in front of the Alpha's out stretched hand. I raised my own and extended a single finger,

I allowed my wolf half to come through just a tad, enough to lengthen and sharpen my nail. I then sliced the Alpha's palm with surgical precision. I collected a few drops of blood onto my palm then, eye's locked with the Alpha's, I licked it off. Suddenly, flashes of the past filled my vision. I could see Alpha Darrow being born then his mother then his grandfather and so on and so forth until I stood watching the actual birthing of King James VI. Just as quickly as I had entered the haze of memories I exited. Taking a staggering breath and leaning forward I braced myself on my knees, but only for a moment. I rectified my previous stance by straightening my back and turning on my heels. If I don't make it to my throne Ima hit the ground.

I calmly but with shaking hands lifted Eodan onto my lap. Fully awake and staring at me with a look of awe and worry, he brushed a stray hair from my shoulder.

"Are you alright princess?" His Scottish accent was heavy when he was sleepy.

"I'm fine lil one. I was determining the truth from the lies." I stated as I looked at my father.

"He is who he says he is....I've seen his lineage and he is in fact the last High King of Scotland. King Hamish Darrow I (the first), the historians will need to be informed father."

"Well then, seems you have every right to be here Alpha Darrow. High King of Scotland. I'd like to talk to you later if you see fit to entertain my company."

That's just like dad, brokering alliances and trade agreement's at every turn. I swear he never stops working. I admire that so much about him. That and his sense of humor and twinkling eye's and shocked expression...wait what?

"Huh? I'm sorry what?" I asked in confusion.

"Ummm, well, it would seem...Alpha Darrow here...well..."

"Breathe dad, remember air is good. Air allows us to live. Now, calm down and spit it out."

"He's claiming you..."

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