Tow: joey's feelings

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Joey POV:I walk into the apartment and see that phoebe is back.
I knock on her door and she comes out.

Phoebe: hey joe I was wondering where you were

Joey: oh yeah I just went over to Ross and rach's for dinner and stuff.

Phoebe: oh ok cool.

Joey: so um he *clears his throat*
How was your date?

Phoebe: it was good he's a really nice guy but I don't know it was weird you know my first date in a long time with someone that isn't mike.

Joey: yeah wow it must've been pretty different.

Phoebe: yeah it was just weird you know he's a cool guy and stuff but you know whatever.

Joey: *thinking on what to do*
Joey: yeha pheebs well I'm glad that you know at least felt up for a date.

*joey thinking to himself*
I know I have to tell her how I felt yesterday and everything come on joe do what mon Chan Ross and Rachel told you.

Joey: and I mean you looked amazing pheebs you rocked that outfit.

Phoebe: really? Thanks I wasn't sure what to wear but then I'm like you know what I have to look my best to feel my best so that's what I did.

Joey: and you rocked it pheebs you looked stoped eating hot again tonight.

Phoebe: wow that's like the best hot thanks joe.

Joey:yeah and you know what pheebs I have to be honest. When you left tonight I felt a little jealous.

Phoebe: jealous why?

Joey: well pheebs see that's what I don't know like I love you so much and you're so amazing as a friend. So I called mon and chandler to ask them what does this mean and they advised me to see and talk to you after your date and see how I feel and if my feelings went away.
And I'm going to be honest I was still thinking about you on your date while I was talking to them and when I went over to Ross and Rachel's to talk to them too.
And now just seeing you like I don't know pheebs you know how we made this pact about how if we're not married by 40 that we would get together.
Well I mean I know we're not 40 but we've known each other for so long and you've been one of my best friends and we get along so well together.
Maybe we can see where we can go from here.

He starts to stutter
He gets nervous
You know what I can't do this I'm sorry phoebe just forget it he starts walking back to his room.

Phoebe: Joseph tribbiani get back here
She says to him

Joey: I'm sorry pheebs it's just I love you so much and I know it must be so weird hearing all these things and ughh. I don't know.

Phoebe: Joe I get it though me and you have always been tight you know we're weird and unconventional and crazy but loving and you're Amazing friend. To all of us honestly joe.
And you know we haven't had it easy we've both struggled with work and I was homeless for a while and then I didn't know my family. But you and those other 4 were and still are my family.

And I think it's just come so natural to us because we're best friends but I think we should see what it would be like to date at least for a while.

Joey: really pheebs are you sure?

Phoebe: yeah I think so unless you aren't?

Joey: oh no I am I am I feel like we can have something even more special between us so absolutely.

Phoebe: but Joey if we're actually going to give this a shot I need to make sure that you're not going to flirt with other woman because I couldn't take that especially from you.

Joey: pheebs I would never do that especially to you ok I will never ever want to hurt you.
He goes and hugs her tight.

Phoebe: hugs him back
Ok then so this is it tribbiani
She says with a cheesy smile

Joey: brings her face up and kisses her.

Phoebe: kisses him back
Wow ok you still got it.

Joey: yeah baby!!! Joey says with a huge smile on his face.

Phoebe: ok then joe I pretty tired so I'm gonna head off to bed.

Joey: ok yeah so am I goodnight pheebs!!!.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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