Tow:Phoebe's date

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Joey POV:  hey pheebs do you want to go and eat some dinner tonight?
Wow you look amazing he says as he walks into the living room and sees phoebe all dressed up.

Phoebe POV: Thanks joe I would love to but I already have plans a really cute client of mine today asked me out for dinner tonight.

Joey looks disappointed.

Joey: wow oh hey that's great pheebs you're finally getting over mike and stuff.

Phoebe: yeah I guess so you know I haven't been thinking about him much and that's thanks to you thanks for helping me joe.

Joey smiles at phoebe and hugs her
Joey: of course pheebs hey have fun you look beautiful you deserve it.

As phoebe leaves Joey looks disappointed.

He calls up chandler
Phone call:
Joey: hey man what's up?

Chandler: hey joe not much just got home.

Joey: ohh well that's great hey since tomorrow's the weekend are you guys coming down?

Chandler: um not sure joe jack and Erica are just getting over a cold and everything. But we're going to try

Joey: oh man ok well anyway listen you know how I've been meeting phoebe sleep over here since her breakup with mike and everything?

Chandler: yeah you've been really good to her

Joey: yeah anyway we've been hanging out at nights having fun and stuff and I asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner tonight but she has a date with a client tonight.

Chandler: oh hey that's great man
Monica in the background: what's great?
Chandler talks to Monica
Chandler: phoebe has a date tonight
Monica: oh wow that is great.

Joey: yeah I know it's great but you know I kinda felt jealous watching her leave. She looked so beautiful too.

Chandler and Monica now on speaker
Monica: Joey!!! You felt jealous watching phoebe leave!!! Ohhh

Chandler: wow man that's different for sure have you had that before with her?

Joey: I mean you know I would always like to examine her dates and make sure they're a good match and she's with a good man just like with mike. But I never really felt jealous.

Monica: Joe!!! You have to tell her this is huge!!!

Chandler: yeah man I mean I know that you and pheebs epically have a special connection because you are so alike
You're both goofy silly crazy loving caring and just good kind hearted people.
So maybe spending all this time with her while helping her get over mike you started feeling something more towards her.

Monica: yeah joe chandlers right you know think about your feelings and if you do feel this way don't wait to tell her.

Joey: ahh I don't know this is all so crazy!!!
Like do I actually have feeing for phoebe buffay.
I mean I know she's one of my best friends and she's amazing.

Chandler and Monica: yeah joe you know just feel it out and see how you feel when she gets back from her date ask her how it went and stuff. If you still feel kinda jealous and stuff then you definitely should talk to her.
Because you've helped her kinda get over the whole mike situation so you know she's probably confused right now because it is her first date in a couple of years.
So yeah joe just feel things out but if you feel this way don't hesitate to tell her. But be open and just talk to her about everything

Joey: yeah you guys are right thanks I'm going to think about it.

Chandler and Monica: ok man and hey we're so excited if you guys actually turn into something imagine!!!

Monica: I know!!! Omg you two would be the cutest also talk to Ross and Rachel about it they could be able to help you too.

Joey: alright I will hey thanks guys
I love you two!!

Monica and chandler: we love you too joe good luck man let us know everything. We'll see if we can go over there this weekend.

Joey: yes that would be awesome if you could. Ok guys I'll talk to you later.

They hang up the phone

Rachel POV: honey these tacos are so good!!

Ross: I know I didn't even know I can make tacos but I'm so glad you like them.

They hear a knock at the door.
Ross opens the door.

Ross: omg it's Joey hey joe!!!

Joey: hey you guys listen I need to talk to you guys.

Rachel: goes and hugs Joey
What about honey?

Joey explains the whole situation.
Joey: so I don't know what to do
What should I do?

Rachel: first of all oh my goodness joe this is huge.
I think what mon and chandler said makes a lot of sense though definitely be there when she gets home and ask her how it went and based off of that You can see if you want to tell her.

Ross: yeah man I have to agree I think you and pheebs would make an amazing couple and would work well together and be so happy together.
It her first date since she started dating mike so it's been a while so just see how it went and then see how you feel based on her response.
And go from there.

Joey: yeah you guys are right I mean this is crazy though. Like I've never really thought of phoebe like this you know. Like of course I've thought about sleeping with her but not with actual love feelings.

Rachel: oh Joey honey but it just shows you that you might have had these feeling for her but you might not have know.
You know because you and pheebs go way back and you're so alike and we're all best friends but you to are like bread and butter.

Joey: yeah you might be right pheebs and I have always kinda had this crazy relationship and we're definitely good friends.

Ross: yeah man rach you're right you know it's maybe the opposite of mon and chandler who were friends and stuff but we're never as close of friends as you and pheebs are.
He says as he hands joe and plate of tacos.

They all finish eating.

Joey: alright thanks guys this was great.

He hugs Rachel and Ross. And kisses baby Emma.

Rachel: of course honey good luck let's us know how it goes.

Ross: yeah man good luck.

Joey: thanks guys I will
Goodnight I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

They close the door.

Rachel: honey omg imagine if phoebe feels the same way and they start dating then it could be the six of us all coupled up with each other.

Ross: you're right honey that would be incredible.

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