The one where: The apartment is back!!!

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Realtor: ok and you guys are a hundred percent sure about buying your apartment back?

Monica and chandler: yes absolutely

Realtor: ok then please sign a couple of these forms give me your check and it'll be yours again.

*monica and chandler sign the last dotted line*
And hand the papers back to the man

Realtor: ok thank you very much
Then congratulations for rebuying your sort meant you guys. It's all your again.

Monica and chandler: both look at each other and hug.

Chandler: thank you so much

Monica: yes seriously thank you for letting us do this again.

Realtor: my pleasure joe you two guys have fun and keep it for good this time.

Monica: oh don't worry that's the plan.

They shake the mans hand and head out.

-30 minuets later-
they go and pick up the babies from joeys apartment where he was watching them while They try to buy back the apartment.

They knock on the door

Joey: coming
Hey it's Monica and chandler everyone!!!!

Everyone is starting at them with a straight face

Joey: well?

Chandler: *reaches in his pocket and takes out the keys*

He rattles them up in the air

Everyone: omg yes you got it back!!!

Monica: the apartment is ours again!!!

Rachel: yes yes yes omg I'm so happy you have no idea

Ross: alright guys nice job Joey and pheebs

Joey and pheebs:
Hug each other

Joey: nice job partner

Pheobe: you to sir

Monica and chandler: how about a group hug?

Everyone runs toward them and they all hug.

Monica: come on let's go over

Chandler: grabs the key and unlocks the door

He let's Monica walk in first

Monica: Home sweet home!!!!

Rachel: guys were home omg.

Joey: hey the fridge is empty!!!

Chandler: joe nobody's lived here for a month

Ross: wow it looks so weird without any furniture in it.

Monica: it does it really does but it's so clean nobody's been dirtying it up.

Monica: Hey I know let's go to pottery barn and buy some new furniture honey.

Chandler: yeah ok we'll get a truck to deliver it too we we can have it tonight so we can sleep here we neeed to buy a bed and a dresser a couple of couches a tv and a table.

Phoebe: oh yeah this is going to be so much fun!!

Joey: and food don't forget about food!!!

Monica: ok so it's 10 am let's all try to be back here by 2 or 3 ok?

Rachel: yeah absolutely that way we can help you guys out everything together and spend time here.
I would say organize but I know you mon and you don't let people organize at all.

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