27th of August {finale}

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the three figures froze in their positions under the pouring rain as they heard the echoing shout. a blast of gleaming light was shone out into the showering darkness, shining straight at brett and lucas, who winced at the bright gleam and at eddy who attempted to shade his eyes with his arms. multiple voices could be heard calling out, but one especially made even lucas glued to the spot.

"what's going on in here?! huh?!"

the headteacher.

they were in hot water...


the once silent staircase is now crowded with people. the three people involved, brett, lucas and eddy were wrapped in large, thick and warm towels which were extras brought from the office as they were shaking from being soaked in rainwater. surrounding them, were glares from teachers drying themselves, worrying questions from ray and murmurs from curious onlookers – university students which were mostly from the orchestra itself that had come from ray's ruckus. the three once brought inside from the heavy rain had been pin-drop quiet, without a word to exchange with each other. what else is there to talk about anyway? the headteacher glances at them, a scowl across her face and flaring eyes behind her small thin-rimmed spectacles.

"bullying cannot be tolerated gentlemen!" she sharply scolded the shivering trio who hung their heads lower, not daring to meet her hawk-like gaze.

"especially you!" she swivelled her head around to face lucas, who had not lifted his head ever since he got ushered in. "fighting because of personal love affairs i see! why don't you try doing it now in front of me and see if you dare do it on campus again? especially when we have guests from outside university tonight! how daring and obnoxious!"

"headteacher," eddy began softly, his breath hitched midair. "i was mainly involved in them. even though i am part of the victims i should take some of the punishment as well for not dealing with this matter properly and bringing it into here."

ray and brett tried to counter that, trying to say that eddy suffered too much to get punishment but could find no words to do so. the headteacher, after glancing from one to the other, sighed heavily.

"i'll look into the matter myself. the two of you," she pointed towards the duo. "brett and eddy was it? go to the campus hospital to get yourselves patched up. you both look awful. head back to the principal's office to meet up with the two of us once done." she finished her sentence glowering at lucas. she then huffed, turned around and started strutted down the stairs, the university students obediently making a pathway for her to pass through. she looked up and stared at them.

"who are y'all looking at, huh?! get going! nothing to see here!!"


it was early into midnight and the rain had no plans to halt. four figures reached the entrance of the vacant campus hospital at the strike of 2 in the morning. brett, eddy, ray and gabriel entered the medicine room. exhausted and dried brett collapsed straight onto the bed, while eddy just gradually sat down on it. meanwhile, after placing brett and eddy's belongings in a nearby table, gabriel who had some experience with the medicines in the campus hospital (don't ask, he nearly got himself killed for a couple of times) helped ray sort the medications. the two stayed with brett and eddy until 2:30 a.m, where their wounds were treated and bandaged cautiously. brett suffered many purple bruises on his cheeks as well as his stomach and legs, while eddy had dried gashes and dirtied open wounds. after the strenuous activity, ray and gabriel laid back in relief.

"oh my god, finally." huffed gabriel, fixing his glasses upright.

"yo, thanks, man. probably can't finish this until 4 am without your help." laughed ray as he patted gabriel on his back. the two chuckled.

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