I Got You

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"All I can say is...I didn't want to spend that year as if it were my last. So I chose to stay here, and not tell my family. I'm so sorry if it doesn't make sense to you right now, and I know how it must make you feel. I just hope you can understand that I did it this way for me, so that I could live out my last days my way. Maybe one day, when you meet my beautiful mother, it'll make sense."


"It's okay, Soo Ah. I don't have to understand. I respect your feelings about the whole thing, and I know you have your reasons. I don't blame you, it's just that it makes me miss my family even more when I think about the fact that yours are alive and well, but you're choosing to stay away. Yet I would give almost anything to be able to see mine just once more."

Her eyes filled with tears, and she choked back a sob. "I know. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

I hugged her to me, not wanting her to stress herself out over it. I rubbed her back, my lips brushing her ear as I whispered for her to relax, and told her it was okay. I just wanted to see her smile again.

"How bout we take a walk to Perk Place, and have a piece of cake. I hear the guy who does the baking is pretty damn hot, and he bakes pretty good too."

I felt her body shake as she giggled against my chest before pulling away and wiping her face with her hand.

"I'd like that. Maybe I'll get lucky, and catch a glimpse of him."

"Maybe you will, but I heard he's pretty elusive. Might wanna keep your eyes opened."

I winked at her, and she laughed, finally relaxing some. 

"I can go upstairs and get your leggings for you, and a clean t-shirt, if you want. That way you don't have to go up the stairs."  

She nodded. "Thank You. That reminds me, I'll need to get my clothes from my apartment, and some other things I'd rather not leave behind. I don't care about most of it, but I have a few things I'd like to keep."

"Sure. Maybe I can get Jimin or Jungkook to drive us there after the shop closes, and we can grab whatever you need."

I ran up the stairs, grabbing her leggings, and the clean t-shirt I'd originally given her to sleep in last night, then grabbed a pair of my socks so she could put them on, since she'd not been wearing any inside her boots. They'd be big, but no one would see them anyway.

I took them back down, and handed everything to her, then called Yoshi to the back door to let him out before we left. Five minutes later, he trotted back in, and I closed and locked the door.

I walked into the living room to see her dressed except for the socks. She was sitting on the couch, looking at her feet, the socks in her hands.

I chuckled, and she looked up at me, her eyes narrowing as she tried not to smile.

"It's not funny. I'm not even 5 months yet and it's already hard to bend over."

That must be why she wasn't wearing socks.

I walked over to stand in front of her, sticking my hand out for the socks. She huffed, and reluctantly put them in my hand and I squatted down and put them on her feet. 

"Thank you," she mumbled.

I stood, sticking my hand out to help her up, and she grabbed it, standing and sticking her feet in the boots that were next to her. I grabbed each of our coats, helping her into hers before shrugging into mine, then I took her hand in mine and moved to the door.

When I opened it, I was surprised to see it snowing lightly. I could feel her excitement, and I smiled, letting her step out and closing the door behind us.

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