Chapter 11

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"Hello police? I've found a wanted man. Jack Darren."

After a few minutes the police arrives. I smirk as they grab him. "Jack? Jack! Wait,don't take him away from me!" Says the woman, the smirk disappears from my face. "Miss, you're fiancé is taken to the police office. You can visit him there." She breaks down crying, "Miss, please stay calm. Being stressed isn't good for your pregnancy." The police officer helps her up and pats her on the back. "If you ever have trouble, or need something call this number." He hands her a card, she cries even louder.

"Okay. I'm gone for what, 8 minutes and then I see Jack getting arrested." "I called the police." I say to Feline while looking at the police car riding away. "You did what?!" "He was following me so I called the cops." "Who's dramatic red head there?" She says glancing at his fiancé. "I don't know her name, but it's his pregnant fiancé." "What the fuck. If he had another girl then why did he took advantage of you?!" "Been asking myself the same thing." "That's so messed up.."


"Saphira?! My love! Are you okay? It's all over the news! I can't believe they caught him!" Aidan runs to me as I enter the house. He lifts me up and spins me around, my laugh echoes trough the manor. "I can't believe it too! I'm so happy!" "You are my lovely girlfriend. Argh, I'm the luckiest man in the whole wide world!" I giggle, he kisses me full on the mouth. "Lets do something crazy!" He says suddenly, "Like what?" "Lets go on a road trip." "A road trip?" "Yeah, you know away from everything. No media, no pressure. It will be heaven." "Where to?" I ask him with a smile, "Canada." His face is shining like a 5 year old kid on Christmas morning. "Well, why wouldn't we." I say to him with a smile, "For real? You want to go?!" "Why not! Lets be crazy for a bit! But, we have to be back before Feline gives birth," "Logical, Dean would kill me if I wasn't there." I laugh at his remark, "Lets go."

Sorry it's so short! But I hope you enjoy it!

Love, Yenessa

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