Chapter eight

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Chapter eight


I woke the next day, my body in a world of pain and my head throbbing from all the wine I drank. Pretty much as soon as I was able to open my eyes, I reached to my bedside table and slapped around, looking for the wine skin I left there last night. As soon as my hands touched it, I opened it up and threw my head back.

"Really Adelaide?" Alice questioned me and I sat up to see Eva and her sitting at the fireplace, washing my clothes.

"What? We are at war now, didn't you hear?" I finished the wine skin and threw it across the room, settling back into my pillow, "Enjoy the luxuries around you my pets, soon we will be up to our ears in blood and bodies we won't have time for them anymore." I promised them and they didn't respond, the sound of my garments being dunked in water was all I could hear.

Last night after my father practically burned the front door down, I went straight to the kitchen to look for wine. I remember Hugh followed me and there was yelling. I groaned as I tried to remember and I have a few flashes here and there but nothing solid.

"Has father called the council meeting yet?" I mumbled against the pillow. Father will begin battle formations and start beginning training camps.

"I believe he called a small council meeting, but they are scheduled to have court this afternoon." Eva pauses, "Though it was meant to be about the wedding, now it's about what's going to happen now."

"I still can't believe there were werewolves here in the Capital." Alice shook her head in shock, "It's just unheard off. And they didn't even stand out, one guy who turned out to be one I was talking to yesterday. He seemed so normal, like I know they are all human, or at least half of them are but still."

"Well most of them are dead or running back to Bellatrix with their tails between their legs." I muttered and I sighed, getting up.

I got ready slowly, my head throbbing more each time I move around, and Eva hands me a tray of fruits. I snack of them, nibbling on a piece of apple as I continue to try recover memories last night.

"Do you know what happened to Hugh last night?" After a few moments I give up, all the thinking hurting my head, "I don't remember, I drank to much."

Alice and Eva go deadly silent looking right at each other, not even breathing, before looking away and going about their business. I frown before asking them again. Again they don't respond and this time I get annoyed.

"What happened!" I yelled and Eva flinched. I forgot how much she hates when people raise their voices at her. I almost felt bad but they were keeping secrets.

"You guys fought." She whimpered softly, "I don't know what about but all the servants were gossiping about it this morning." As soon as I hear the words, it's like she paints what happened inside my head.

"Are you alright Adelaide?" Hugh asked as I rummaged through the kitchens, looking for wine. I needed a drink and who can blame me? The most ruthless insane killer's daughter wants to rage a war for my head on a silver platter. I don't even know this bitch and she wants to kill me.

"Am I okay? Hmm lets see Hugh, you Forest Child, you insult me in front of everyone, practically called everyone in the Capital savage and brutes with all your talk about how it's insane how we all kill each other. That's what warriors do, that's what knights do, that's what soldiers do, hell if two drunks are in the street and ones got a knife, you are probably try kill the other man. You leave and when I come looking for you, you are packed and ready to go but you don't leave. Why?

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