Chapter six

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Chapter six


I saw fire, destruction... I could hear women and children screaming, crying out for help. My lungs felt heavy and I struggled to breathe. I could hear men grunting in pain and yelling for reinforcements. I felt pain, I felt sadness and fear. The fear shook me to my very core.

The sky was black with smoke and the ground was stained red from all the blood that had been spilt. There were bodies, dead bodies lying all around and when I moved I would always step on someone. Tears ran down my face as the screams grew louder and the buildings began to fall from the fire.

I tried to run, run to help someone anyone but my muscles wouldn't move. I didn't even know what I was running from though. I couldn't scream, I couldn't move and I was shaking with fear... and then I saw midnight black hair and porcelain white skin, with ruby red lipstick. I heard growling that made me want to shriek but I was paralysed now, staring into black hallow eyes that were empty and evil.

I'm coming for you.

My eyes opened and there were two people looking down at me. I couldn't think, there was someone screaming and it broke my heart and was shaking my whole body. I was looking around to see if it was Alice or Eva but hands were touching my face.

Suddenly there were two more pairs of us, one grey and one blue along with the other two and I felt like they were wasting their time on me. They needed to help the person or people screaming. The screaming grew louder and my head began to spin out of control. I was getting so scared, I was terrified. My body was going cold all over and I couldn't feel my feet or my hands.

I tried to speak but nothing came out and my body continued to shake. I didn't know what was happening. The screaming wouldn't stop. I wanted it to so badly, I needed to help them.

Suddenly I was slapped and everything stopped.

The screaming stopped, the room stopped spinning and I stopped shaking. I was dazed and light headed.

"Oh thank the Gods, she's okay." I heard a voice praise, "Alice you shouldn't have slapped her though!"

"C'mon, nothing we were doing was shutting her up." Alice stated calmly, "Sir Bartholomeus and Sir Everardus, you may leave now. The princess is alright or she will be in a second." I heard the knights leave, closing the door lightly behind them.

As my awareness came back to me, I felt my body was tensed, my cheeks, eyes and hair were wet with sweat and tears and my throat was extremely dry.

"Water please." I tried to say but I could barely get the words out. Thankfully Eva understood.

"Here you go." She muttered as she cupped the back of my neck and raised it up, holding the glass to my lips. The water felt heavenly in my mouth and I couldn't help but drink the whole thing.

"Thank you Eva." I muttered, my voice still sore.

"Don't do that to us again." Was all she replied as she sighed, putting the glass down. They were both sitting on my bed now, the curtains opened. The sun hadn't even risen yet and there was a nice morning breeze blowing through. It felt nice against my skin.

"I thought it would have been a dream come true for Sir Bartholomeus to come barging into my room in the middle of the night... But not so much." Alice winked at me and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"What happened Adelaide? You've never had a dream like that before." Eva questioned softly and I sat up, bringing my knees to my chest.

"I don't know Eva, I had a really bad nightmare I guess." I frowned, "Who was screaming? When I woke up I heard screaming."

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