Chapter 16

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Vienna - Ben Platt 

(a/n  i'm not dead guys. i know it has taken me FOREVER and that's on me. I just randomly lost interest in this book for some reason, but i'm going to try my best to finish it <3 also i highly recommend that song. it's so good.)

(a/n  also one more thing, how are you guys? If you need to, just use this as a spot to vent real quick if you need to and if you ever need someone to talk to you ca always message me <3)


We got there in record time thanks to all the upgrades to Riri's car.

We suited up in the car ride there so we were ready when we got to the spot.

"Peter, you got Ned, Y/n you get Kenzie." Riri starts to mark things out on a piece of paper. "I'm going to try to find the main frame so Gwen doesn't get any further with her plan. I'll phone you when I find it and send you the location. Until then, stay safe. Ned and Kenzie shouldn't be that far from each other. Probably in the same hallway." Peter and I nod along.

"Alright Spider-boy. Iron girl." I mess up their names on purpose. "Let's deer this show on a road shall we?"

"Oh my gosh, you sound like a basic dad." Peter laughs.

"Ha ha funny." I roll my eyes. "I'll see you guys in a bit." I smile and we split up from there.

I head in through a back door while Peter goes through an open window.

I pick the lock and slowly enter. I use my powers to cut out the security cameras so no one sees me. That means I have to be quick with this.

I begin my walk and try to listen if people are in any of the doors. I gave up on that plan real quick because I couldn't hear anything in the first three doors. I just opened up each door and prepared myself for the worst.

The first couple were empty. That was a breath of relief. I was on my way to open the fifth door when a door at the end opened and I saw someone walk out. I opened and ran into the room I was about to open and hid.

My curiosity beats me, like it usually does, and my eyes wander the room. It looks like a simple conference room. One you'd see from The Office or something.

Hm, I wonder what all these other rooms are?

I hear the doorknob rattle and I stiffen up like a board.

Don't move Y/n. Don't move. You are one with the wall. Be one with the wall.

"Did you see the game last night?" Two men wearing a uniform walk through the door with guns.

"Yeah," He goes to the far wall and scans his thumb and the wall in front of them drop. "They really had us in the first half. Not gonna lie."


"Hey we almost had ya if Brice didn't pull a karate kid stunt." They laugh to themselves and I see Kenzie struggling, trying to get out of the bondages.

"Oh be still you little twat." One of the guards kick her. I wince. I couldn't just rush in there. I would be okay, but they may shoot Kenzie.

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