Ch. 8: Confessions

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SF: This is a continuation of the last chapter.  Bold at the beginning of the chapter are words that were at the end of the last chapter.  Hope you all enjoy.

*Continue from last spot, 3rd POV*

(Y/N): The real truth is, I just wanted to hang out with all of you girls because.....

Hoodie: Because of what, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Because I...

(Y/N) takes a deep breath before continuing.

(Y/N): Because I like you girls... a lot.

All the girls were standing there, looking at him before Slenda picked him up and hugged him.

Slenda: That's no reason to lie to us, (Y/N).  We love you the way you are.

Clockwork: Yeah.  Over the time you've been here, you've really grown on us.

Rake: Minus Angel of course, but that's not the point.

Jess: You've even grown on me, and that's saying something.

Jill: Quick question.  Which one of us do you like the most?

(Y/N): *sweatdrop* I plead the 5th. (SF: to the non-American people, that means he's not answering)

Zalga: I don't care about that.  All that matters is that we love you (Y/N).

(Y/N):  Really?!  That's great, but how do I choose one of you girls when you all want to be with me?

Jane: We all talked it over and agreed to share you.

Jackie: That's okay with you, right?

(Y/N): Are you kidding, I LOVE IT!!!  At least I don't have to worry about breaking any of your hearts.

All the girls came and gave (Y/N) a big group hug.  (Y/N) was a blushing mess because not only was he being hugged by a bunch of cute girls in bikinis, but he could feel a few of their breasts against his arms.

(Y/N): *blushes* I love you girls too, but I need to say something.

The girls let go of him as they were curious.

Ann: What is it (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Look, I also like Benny and Sonia, and they already expressed their feelings because they kissed me on the cheeks.  My main problem however, is that I also like Angel.

All the girls look at each other worried that he may get hurt if he tries to open up to Angel.

Slenda: We'll figure something out eventually.  Right now, let's all go relax in the living room.

They all headed to the living room to relax.  They got there to find Benny and Sonia watching BattleBots.

(Y/N): Mind if we join you two?

They nodded and everyone sat down and started watching.  Everyone would constantly argue about which robot would win.  (Y/N) never took part in the argument due to feeling like he was being watched.  He looked over to the stairs to find Angel staring at him with daggers.  She eventually fled up the stairs to her room.  (Y/N) kept staring at the same spot she was at wondering what was going on with her.  He was broken out of his trance thanks to Benny.

Benny: Who do think will win, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looks at the TV to see the two robots fighting are named Blacksmith and Minotaur.

(Y/N): It's a tough call.  Blacksmith has the size advantage and weapon over Minotaur, but Minotaur has the maneuverability and the dangerous spinner on its front.  This match might have to be determined by the drivers skills at the controllers.

Tails: Shh.  Guys, the match is starting.


We all sat there speechless.  None of us could have predicted the fight to be like that.

(Y/N): Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping Minotaur would win.

Benny: But I thought you said it was a tough call.

(Y/N): I've watched this show for the past couple years.  Every time Minotaur goes in, he destroys his opponents.

Jess: How many times have you seen robots get knocked out?

(Y/N): Dozens of times, but this is the first time I've seen them catch fire. *yawn* I'm tired though.  I'm heading to bed right now.  See you all in the morning.

Girls: Good night, (Y/N).

I started walking to my room to sleep for the night.  I was so tired that I forgot that to get to my room, I had to pass Angel's room.  As soon as I took a step past her door, it flung open and I was pulled inside.  The door quickly closed after I was in and I was shoved against the wall with a sword at my neck.  I looked at Angel to see she was irritated.

(Y/N): Whats...

Angel: Shut up.  I don't know what you're playing at, but you won't fool me.

(Y/N): Huh?

Angel: You may have the other girls tricked into your lies, but I won't fall for it.  Listen closely, BOY, I'll be waiting for when you screw up on your plan to kill us.  When that happens, everyone will be shocked to see your real intentions.  You and me will fight tomorrow at 1:00.

She opens the door and throws me out of her room.  I just stand there processing what just happened.

(Y/N): Well, that just happened.

I just proceed towards my room, about ready to pass out.  As I'm about to fall into the world of slumber, one thing was on my mind.

(Y/N): What the hell was Angel talking about?

I decided not to dwell on it and just let the darkness of sleep consume me.


Benny: *appears* What the hell is the matter with you?

SF: Look at this.*shows her story ratings*

Benny:*eyes widen* IT'S #1 FOR ME?!

SF: Hell yeah.  Would you like to do the recap?

Benny: Sure thing.  So it seems that (Y/N) finally confessed his feeling to us.  It kind of surprised us that he has feelings for Angel as well when she wants nothing to do with him.  Now he has to fight her for some reason that even he doesn't understand.

SF: Thank you Benny.  Also, thanks to all of you people reading this story and making it #1 in Benny Drowned.  Until next time, PEACE!

Word Count: 1016 words

Date of publish: 12/31/2019

Female Creepypasta x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now