Jennica Meets Sarah

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A little later , Tyler is now being carried down on the stretcher as almost everyone , teachers , students , staff watch.

Tyler- There were a puppet and a doll woman. But , it was the puppet that attacked me. It had these supernatural powers. He could move things with his mind and the doll was pretending to be my conscience.

Sarah sees the commotion and walks up into the front to get a better look at him being carried into the ambulance vehicle until he spots her.

Tyler-( Points at Sarah ) She knows ! Ask her ! The dummy was in her locker ! Please , tell him real quick.

A few people stare at her but she quickly leaves the crowd.

Tyler- Sarah , tell him !

Paramedic- It's just the meds kicking in , sir. ( To paramedic 2 ) The last guy said he saw a dragon .

Tyler- It wasn't a dragon ! It was a puppet and a doll !

Sarah runs in the hallways and stops at her locker. She opens it up to see it empty inside. Jennica , hiding behind a glass trophy case , looks both sides before she could run up to the teenage blonde and tug on her pant leg.

Jennica- Excuse me ! Excuse me !

Sarah- What ?

She looks down to see Jennica alive , talking , moving , and looking at her. Sarah looked utterly shocked and gasped as she bumps into her now closed locker.

Sarah- Wait... You're alive ?!

Jennica- ( Awkwardly ) Yes ?

Sarah- So , Tyler was telling the truth ?!

Jennica- ( Awkwardly ) Yeah. But , let me explain--!

Before the porcelain doll could say anything , the school bell rings . Sarah quickly picks Jennica up and rushed into the girls' restroom. As they got inside , Sarah gently sets Jennica down on the shelf beside the mirror. She's lucky no one is is in here.

Sarah- So , let me get this straight...You and the puppet are actually alive ?!

Jennica- Yes.

Sarah- And the dummy actually hurt Tyler ?!

Jennica- ( Nods ) Uh huh . I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.

Sarah- Do you think he probably went to Sonny's school ?

Jennica- ( Shrugs ) Could be. I mean , he left without me . So... Yeah.

Then , a tan woman in her late 40s' with blonde hair and blue eyes enter the bathrooms wearing a crimson red dress suit. She notices Sarah and smiles.

???- Hello , Sarah.

Sarah- Hi , Ms. Strong.

Ms. Strong goes to the mirrors and starts rummaging through her purse for her makeup.

Sarah- ( Whispers ) Well , we don't have much time. Come on !

Sarah holds onto Jennica and they race out of the bathrooms.

Jen-Who is that lady you're talking to ?

Sarah- That's Ms. Strong. She's my Theatre teacher

Jennica- Oh.

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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