Slappy On Stage

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Jennica snaps her eyes open and wakes up with a gasp. Her breaths her rapid before she sits up and looks at her surroundings. No one was here. Which means the kids are at school and the mother was at work.

The truth was , Jennica had a premonition in her dream that Slappy will dangerously hurt a boy in a school auditorium. She knew she had to stop this  .

Jennica- I gotta warn the boy fast !

Jennica hops off the couch and teleports to the school.

As soon as she made it , she was in the school hallway. She ran down the halls , searching for the auditorium. But then she heard a nearby door open and closed . She quickly spots the huge door , which probably leads to the auditorium and she quickly rushes to it. She jumps up and grabs onto the knob before opening it with all her might , whilst straining. As soon it was wide enough to enter , she jumps off the knob and rushes in and spots the ladder shaking with that same boy on it.

Boy- Hey , hey , hey. Not funny , not funny ! Sarah ! Stop fooling around !

???- I'd say you're the one fooling around.

The boy looks down and spots the talking dummy .

Boy- How are you talking ?

Slappy- I love the theater . I always bring down the house.

After his joke , he laughs crazily and looks at the screws holding the ladder together and unscrews it a little bit , causing the ladder to stumble slightly. The brown haired boy looks down at him , already freaking out.

Boy- Wait , no ! What're you doing ?!

Angry that Slappy's trying to hurt the kid from a dangerous height , Jennica teleports onto the stage behind him and confidently demands him to knock it off.

Jennica- Slappy , STOP !

Hearing her beautiful voice , Slappy turns around and looks at Jennica. Tyler spots her and becomes a little freaked out.

Slappy- Ah , Jennica. Glad you could make it .

Jennica- Slappy , what're you doing ?

Slappy- What's it look like I'm doing , sweet cheeks ? I'm trying to get back at that cheater !

Jennica steps closer to him as she talks to him.

Jennica- By trying to kill him ?!

Slappy- So what ? He'll break a few bones. Big deal !

Jennica- It is a big deal , Slappy ! Endangering a minor ! Look , I know what he did is wrong , and believe me , I'm also angry what he did to Sarah , but does he really need to be sent to an emergency room.

Boy- Um , hello ? Are you guys like my consciences ?

Jennica and Slappy look up at him and quickly answered different replies.

Slappy- No !

Jennica- Yes ! He's the evil conscience ! And I'm the good conscience that tells you from right to wrong ! What you did to Sarah was very uncool and indecent !

Slappy just rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Slappy- Tell me , Tyler. ( Points at the top ) What does that say on that top step ?

Tyler looks at the top and looks back down at them.

Tyler- ( Nervously ) Umm... It's not a step ?

Slappy- Maybe you'll remember that... When the next time you step out of line with my sister !

Jennica- Slappy , no !

Too late. He unscrews the whole screw and the whole ladder. Falls apart and makes Tyler collide onto the stage screaming , landing with a thud ! Jennica cups her mouth and  gasps in horror as the latter besides her glaring down at the fallen Tyler. Jennica turns around to look at Slappy only to find him.... Gone.

Jennica looks back at Tyler and frantically tries to help him out.

Jennica- D-don't worry ! I'll call the ambulance !

Jennica looks around for a phone and finds one on Tyler's backpack on one of the seats and teleports to it. She takes the phone and dials 9-1-1 . She puts the cellphone up to her ear. The other line rings for a long while until a feminine voice answers the phone.

???- 911 , what's your emergency ?

Jennica- Yes , hello ? I need the ambulance at the high school now ! A teenage boy fell from a really high ladder and he can't get up !

???- Okay , can I have his full name please ?

Jennica- Tyler Mitchell.

???- Okay. Say no more. We're on our way.

Jennica- Okay. Thank you.

Jennica puts the cellphone back in his bag and sighs in relief. She looks back at Tyler in concern before she teleports off somewhere to hide before the ambulance arrive.

To Be Continued....

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