* chapter 5 2/2

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(A/N) alright guys, here's the fluff chapter you wanted. I don't really know what to do with this fanfic tbh. I have some kind of plot but do I know how to get there? nope. I also don't really know where this chapter will be going, be prepared for anything


Touya's POV

You know how it feels waking up with the person you love most lying in your arms? I didn't know until that morning. It was fucking amazing.

Hawks looked even more adorable when he was asleep. His face was calm and peaceful, only a small smile showing on his lips. The sun was peering into the room through the holes I had burned into the curtains out of frustration and made his blonde hair look golden. It was still a mess, but it looked cute.

I was kinda sad that we had put on some clothes in the middle of the night tho. It got a bit cold. We were wearing our normal clothes, as I never wore pajamas or anything like that.

I smirked and kissed his forehead when I remembered what happened last night. I still couldn't really believe that he was here with me. Nor that he was in love with me. I was really convinced he would be together with a pretty woman by now. I didn't look handsome or anything like that, especially not with those nasty scars covering most of my skin. So why me? What if he thought those scars would go away? What if he would leave as fast as he found out they wouldn't? And my hair would never be red ever again. But it was better like this. I was a villain now. I would never be able to leave him. But he would want to leave, I wouldn't stop him.

Shigaraki always tells us to stay away from people. Especially heroes. A lover was just an additional weakness we didn't really need. Some people from the League of Villains still got together with people, but it never lasted for long unless it was another member of the League of Villains.

Shigaraki telling us to stay away from people was just an advice. But if he found out I had feelings for a hero, a pro hero who was a threat to us..... I wonder whether he would kill me. He probably would. Out of boredom I had flirted with him once. It wasn't anything serious, I was just drunk. I was just saying pickup lines and stuff and if I remember it correctly he flirted back. Geez.

I didn't think of him for too long. One look at Hawks and all that mattered to me at that moment was him. His safety. I wanted to ensure his happiness. Would I really be able to make him happy? As happy as he deserved to be?

I hugged him tighter. "I'll try.", I whispered and kissed his cheek.

A brighter smile appeared on his face. "Morning, sunshine.", I said, smiling wider as well. "Good morning, my Touya.", he said sleepily. My Touya. I was his Touya. It was better than any pet name or anything like that. After all these years I was still his Touya.

"Slept well?", I whispered into his ear and he shuddered, turning to face me. "I did." He was smiling happily and his eyes were still closed.

I couldn't help but give his lips a quick kiss, which he contently returned. What if we would be able to keep this going forever? Falling asleep next to him, waking up next to him, spending every day and every night with him..... It seemed like a dream that was far far away from me.

"I love you."

I looked up into his eyes, who were staring into mine in a concerned but still happy way.

I pulled him closer to myself and he buried his face in my chest. "I love you too."

He took a deep breath and sighed, bringing his hands under my shirt and running them up and down my bare back. He was examining the scars. I stayed still for a while, just laying there with him. Suddenly he stopped moving his hands, freezing on the spot. "Hawks?"

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