first date

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(A/N) fun fact, I've never actually read this story after I wrote it.
so I spent the past few nights reading it and, call me a snob, I can understand why people like it so much.
anyways, here's the promised bonus chapter with Touya and Keigo's first date :)


"Stop complaining and let me guide you for once, for all might's sake! Just trust me."

Touya couldn't see anything. He was blindfolded and his just recently reunited boyfriend was guiding him somewhere only he knew, keeping his magnificent red wings at either side of Touya, just in case the redhead would fall.

"How am I supposed to trust you when you keep pushing me so hard that I almost fell thrice already?", he grumbled but didn't stop walking. The truth was, of course he trusted Keigo. But would he openly admit that to him? No. Was it easier to blame his shakiness and newfound nervousness around the other on no other than him? Yes, even though it probably wasn't the best solution. But in a way, it was his fault after all. Touya was just a little anxious to do the wrong thing in front of the hero and embarrass himself.

But he always used to tell himself he'd stop being so anxious when he was with his partner soon, they just needed a bit of time. That 'bit of time' had already been almost two months now though.

"Oh please, you know I'd catch my princess~" The blonde nudged Touya's side, the smirk he had on his face was obvious even when you only heard his voice.

"I told you to quit calling me that", Touya mumbled. He was clearly upset at that moment, but Hawks was positive that he wouldn't be able to be mad at him for too long, especially given the surprise that was awaiting him.

"I agreed on a date, not a suicide while... are we walking up a hill?" Touya's expression softened ever so slightly in surprise as he tried to breathe in more of the air, noticing the faint scent of something he had smelled a seemingly so very long time ago.

Keigo kept quiet, continuously leading the other towards the very top of the hill, although at this point the ex-villain didn't seem to need a guide anymore, his feet recognized the familiar path and walked by themselves.

They picked up their pace, both eager to either see or reveal the surprise that both knew would be great.

And just like Touya had thought; when Keigo took off his blindfold, he looked down at an old familiar landscape, standing in the shadow of a huge cherry blossom tree. It was the time between spring and summer and the beautiful tree was at its peak bloom. A few petals were caught by the soft warm wind that carried the lovely familiar scent and sunk to the ground gently.

Touya's smile grew wider and wider the longer he stood there, unaware of the soft loving look his hero was giving him. He felt like a young teenager once again, as he these days often felt when he was with his beloved. He never would have thought he'd have this beautiful whatever it was that made him so happy ever again. It seemed like a dream that he didn't want to wake up from under all circumstances.

Because if he woke up, would all of this still be there?

Would instead of the scent of cherry blossom the smell of burned skin return?

Would Hawks hate him for everything he had done, including leaving him without a word and ruining countless other lives?

Would he be a villain again?

Noticing the darkened expression and the silent tears that began to fall from Touyas face, the smaller male took his hand gently, making the redhead snap out of his thoughts. He looked at Keigo, who smiled at him comfortingly and led him to the tree trunk, closely next to which a picnic blanket with a basket and enough space for at least two people was.

An at first small but quickly growing smile found its way back on Touya's face as he joined Keigo on the blanket, putting an arm around his waist gently.

Who needed bad memories of the past when you had this beautiful present and hopefully even brighter future?

Keigo leaned in to give him a soft kiss, gently placing a hand on the taller man's chest and cupping his cheek with the other. It really felt like nothing had changed at all; like they had spent the past few years of their life happily living together.


It was a beautiful sunset and from up that hill you really had the best view possible. The nearby fields seemed to take in all the colors of the sky, giving the couple a romantically perfect sunset next to the one they loved.

Eating chicken wings (they had already long discussed that it was not cannibalism and Keigo felt offended being thought of as a chicken), laughing about jokes only they would understand and being the teenagers they hadn't had the chance to be years ago was the way their hours underneath the cherry blossom tree were spent; even when it was already getting dark and the stars came out.

A cold breeze sent a shiver down Touya's spine as he quickly gathered everything into the basket and put it on the grass. He laid down on the comfortably warm and soft blanket, pulling Keigo with him. When the blonde made himself comfortable, resting his head on his chest and gazing at the stars through the dimly lit pink branches of the tree, Touya used the other side of the blanket to cover them up to protect them from the cold that was slowly creeping in with the arrival or the night.

"I really love you", Touya said softly after a while of comfortable silence. "Even though we're pretty cliché."

Keigo rolled his eyes and punched his arm playfully. "I love you too, now let me be cheesy."

Touya chuckled and kissed the top of the blonde's hair. "Who said I wouldn't let you? You're quite enjoyable to have around at all times~"

Keigo blushed softly, which Touya of course couldn't see in the darkness.

They really weren't a couple of many words, but it was enough. "You too", he mumbled before allowing himself to drift off to a peaceful sleep.


The next morning, he awoke in the same place, cuddled into Touya's chest. "And yet here I hoped he'd carry me home", he jokingly said to himself quietly, ready to fall asleep again. Touya shifted slightly, rubbing an eye.

"Did you say something?"

"I thought you were still asleep". Keigo sat up and rested his chin in his palm to get a better look at his sleepy boyfriend.

"If I was asleep you'd either be burning or freezing."

Keigo turned his head to look at the small blue source of light he hadn't noticed earlier, resting in Touya's palm.

"Oh, I see. Lets head home then or else you won't get any sleep at all."

Putting out the flame, Touya followed after his boyfriend and made sure they didn't forget anything and before heading home.


Touya liked that word. He used to hate it; it had no meaning to him when living with his father. The place where he lived was just a house to him, but certainly not a place to call 'home'. Back then he thought he had none, but thinking about it now he realized that his home was wherever Keigo was, even in those dark days where his only light would be his handsome winged 'friend'. And that he would always find a way to return there, no matter what.

(A/N) came out a bit short, have mercy with me. I didn't have too many ideas for this and I haven't written fanfiction in months so I might be out of practice heh

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