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It was finally the weekdays where (Y/N) has classes to attend to while Taeyong had work from home and it was also the days where they don't have to see Jennie. The alarm rang, signalling that it was time for the younger to wake up but he was too comfortable in Taeyong's arms that he didn't want to wake up so the older just woke him up with a peck on his lips, making the younger jolt up before dashing out the room to get ready. Taeyong just chuckled at (Y/N)'s cute reaction of how his cheeks would turn a cute shade of light pink and how round and soft his grey eyes looked.

     When (Y/N) was ready for school, Taeyong had driven him to school before returning home to begin his work of the day. When he arrived back home, he felt sleepy so he decided to brew a cup of coffee to wake himself up, sipping on it before placing the cup down on the office table, finally able to settle down and start signing the now mountain like stacks of files which he had procrastinated due to the dates upon dates with his fiancee. He had signed a few papers until he noticed one odd black file which had quite blurry letters, it had made his suspicious but he decided to sign it anyways, thinking that it was just himself being tired in the morning.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V:
     It was now 12:00 in the afternoon, I was sitting quietly in class with a window on my right and sitting on my left was Sicheng whom was unconsciously staring at Yuta again while Mr.Jung talked at the front of the classroom, not noticing Sicheng's gaze on Yuta. Literature was always a subject for students who are good at writing and are creative which I completely am not so my gaze easily drifted off to look out the window where I saw some lower form students running around playfully the freshly mowed green field. The scene made me remember the events that happened just this morning where Jaehyun crazily chased me around for no reason in the same field. I continued to look at the people down at the field but after a few seconds, my gaze flicked towards a figure that was standing on the roof of the building that was beside this building. He wore a dark jacket and put up the hood so it could hide his face, he even wore on a mask to cover half of his face. No one would be able to recognize who the figure was but I instantly recognized him because I could tell that he was one of my partners whom were also assassins like me.

     The man on the roof did a few hand gestures that told me to meet him after school and I nodded my head as a responds. Just like that, he disappear  as quick as when he appeared, jumping down the building and disappeared into the distance, getting away unnoticed by the students in the field.

"Ehem, Mr.Kim (Y/N)?": Mr.Jung cleared his throat and called my name.

Upon hearing my name, my gaze shot up to look at Mr.Jung who was now standing in front of me, I abruptly stood up, feeling nervous as to what he was going to ask me.

"Can you tell me hat is the moral lesson of Romeo and Juliet?": Mr.Jung looked at me through his glasses with an raised eyebrow.

I took a deep breath and answered. "First lesson is to not make rash decisions as it will only lead to trouble. Second lesson, young love or infatuation is not a good reason to kill yourself and the third lesson is to not be a fool and easily fall in love with a person that is out of your reach, it will only lead you into trouble, if not then death like the two lovers in the story.": I answered his question like it was from the back of my hand.

Mr.Jung and everyone in the class stared at me in utter shock but snapped out of their trance when Mr.Jung cleared his throat. "Well uhhmm thank you (Y/N), you may sit down now.": he smiled at me before walking back to the front of the classroom to continue teaching the class about the sad story of Romeo and Juliet.

     How do I know about the story of Romeo and Juliet like the back of my hand if I was an 'uneducated' kid you ask? Welp, long story short, just imagine yourself getting brainwashed but exclude the drugs and needles. Imagine yourself being told this story again and again every single day for 2 years. Yup, that bastard (referring to his uncle) would put a robotic speaker in the basement where I was kept and he made it repeat the story over and over again like music from the radio but this could make anyone lose their minds and sanity. Letting it repeat over and over again was already enough to make anyone go insane but it seems like it wasn't enough for him so he made me memorize every. single. sentence from the speaker and say it through the mic that would transcend to him from upstairs. What happens if you don't say it correctly? Well, you get nothing to eat for three days while still had chores.

     The main reason he had done this to me was because he hated the love between my parents so after he had killed them both, he wanted to teach me to not ever fall in love with anyone and to also brainwash me to do his dirty work which was to go around killing anyone who 'misunderstood' him. That miserable time was also one of the most painful time of my life that had made my heart turn cold and forever stable, causing me to not acknowledge my own feelings.

Time Skip:
     After long hours of school, (Y/N) quickly packed up his bag and hurriedly walked out of the school with quick paces. When he was out, he saw that Taeyong's car was not there so he quickened his pace and ran, knowing as to where the man would be. He ran along many rows of shop lots and reads until he reached an abandoned building that was still intact and in shape since it had stopped constructing halfway. Looking around to check if anyone was around the area, he climbed and jumped over the metal fence that enclosed the building.

     This abandoned place was a secret place for (Y/N) and his fellow assassin because it was abandoned and secluded so nobody would think of entering here so they would come here when they needed send a quick message to one another without going to the headquarters.

     (Y/N) landed quietly on the other side of the fence before casually walking into the building, he stood near the entrance and scanned his surroundings, he felt someones presence and turned around, there stood the same man in the black jacket and mask.

"What's the message you wanted to tell me Hendery hyung?": (Y/N) asked with a serious tone and had a grin on his face when the man in front of him was shocked.   

"I believe that I had told you that headquarters had ordered you to eliminate the girl, why isn't she dead yet?": Hendery questioned the younger with a stern tone.

"I know, its just that I need a little more time to figure things out before taking her out.": (Y/N) explained nervously, the grin on his face now disappeared.

"(Y/N), you need to understand that we need her gone now or she is just going to harm more innocent lives, do you want that to happen?": Hendery said, emphasizing the now word. 

"N-no......": (Y/N) shuttered.

"Good, oh and headquarters also added that you need to eliminate her by today, I hope you get the message and perform by order and not your feelings.": the older stated before jumping over the fence, leaving (Y/N) standing there alone with his thoughts.

     He pushed the thought away and exited the building by jumping over the metal fence, deciding that he should not think about it now since the duration time to complete his mission was until 12 in the midnight.

     Realizing that Taeyong might have already been waiting for him for a long time of period, he ran into a full out sprint and ran all the way back towards the school and as predicted, Taeyong was already waiting for him outside. He opened the door and hopped in, greeting the older in between pants.

"Where did you run off to?": the older asked, looking at the worn out (Y/N) who was covered in sweat.

"Oh uhhh a classmate left his homework and the teacher told me to return it to him so I ran.": (Y/N) lied but the older seemed to believe him and just nodded before starting to drive.

"Oh and you are gonna have to lend me a hand on cooking dinner tonight, she's coming over to discuss about something.": Taeyong stated, making (Y/N) almost choke on air.

"Oh for fucks sake! What the hell am I suppose to do now?! Kill her in from of him?!": (Y/N) thought to himself as he began to silently panic inside.

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