Chapter 8: A rival

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Danny moved his triangle hat further away from his eyes, so as not to let the piece of clothing obscure his vision. So far the trip through the entirety of Boston was a tale of boredom and general uneventfulness. Phantom was no fool, he knew all too well that his newest companions and captives all in one were going to do if he lets his attention wander elsewhere. Namely, they wanted to use the only well-dressed person in the entire Commonwealth as a shooting dummy. Not only that, they would ruin his magnificent outfit, which would be a double jeopardy both against humanity and the undead.

That's why Danny was going behind the brothers in arms. Phantom could live through a bullet in his back, but better be cautious still. It annoyed the captives, because they did have weapons. But shall they do a little thing like putting their hands on a pistol, immediately a laser would go through their skull. Of course Phantom couldn't kill all of them that swiftly, but to the bold one - the first shot. Here went their courage. They wondered why Danny let them have weapons at all, but it was probably because he didn't want them to die by the hand of some rodent beast roaming this god forsaken city. His concerns were proven justified.

Several times they were attacked by the Supermutants. For the giant green ogres they were smart enough to use ambushes. The question of how they were able to do that with their size remained opened. What was clear is how stunned the Brotherhood members were at the prowess of their captor. He was so quick and precise that no bullet could hit him, they barely made a couple of shots from their cover. Phantom also had a pistol with him, in case like this when he needed speed. Musket was for long distances. It had own drawbacks, the pistol could barely make it through the thick skin of their, and they were quite resistant. But a bullet to the brain could kill everyone, even those who apparently lacked them.

Once they were done with, Phantom smirked at the job well done. His old muscles were getting better and better. However, as he turned around, Danny immediately noticed several guns pointed at him. Of course they would try to escape.

"I really don't recommend you to do this. You might harm yourself with these toys," he advised.

"Oh, yeah? How will you run away now, creep?"

"I'm not running anywhere," Danny said calmly.

He sat on the nearby piece of debris with calm expression. Not expecting such reaction, the others were hesitant to fire.

"The hell are you doing?"

Danny took a flask from his belt. "A dying wish?" He suggested weakly, before starting to drink its unknown contents.

"This guy is nuts," someone mumbled.

"If I am nuts then you are a pretzel," Responded Phantom dryly and then laughed at his own joke. He put his hands behind his back, lying on a load of concrete like it was a soft sofa.

"Enough," one of them snapped. "Just kill this brat already!"

They fired simultaneously, but only hit a green barrier between them. Phantom yawned theatrically.

"C'mon, surely you can do better with your farters for guns."

"What the heck is that thing?!" One of the attackers asked.

"A shield," Danny explained. "Protects me from literally everything."

"What kind of technology is this?!"

"The kind that will die with me," Phantom grinned innocently at their predicament. He knew he had just torn them from inside as they were engaged in the inner debates on how to handle him. Their Brotherhood valued techs above everything, and they couldn't risk losing a single piece. And they also had to make up for losing a squad and two vertibirds. Finally Phantom stood up.

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