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Jonghyun called Yura in early in the morning to deliver a bad news to her

J:Babe you are in a big trouble *worried tone *
Y:what?! Me? Or we?
J: no no just you
Y:wait wait what happened?
J:there's a video of yoy changing your clothes in a bathroom it spread like a wild fire babe!
Y: huh how come, can you please send me the li k or the video itself to confirm it's realy me?
J:see it for yourself babe check it first then call me right after.

Yura received the link and checked the video and to her surprise it's her in her bathroom undressing to her underwear luckily her naked body didn't expose to the video.
Yura rushed to the hallway of their dorm shouted like crazy in to her members

Y:hey hey wake up guys its urgent!!
M: what now it's to early to shout lime this it's not even 6 in the morning what's the problem
Y:Jonghyun called me and - *got cut off by Sojin*
S:what! You called us to say that he called you at this our for god sake let us sleep we don't want to know what happened *about to leave but yura shouted *
Y:Fck I have a video undressing in my bathroom and its going wild in the internet just watch this first before you react!

Yura showed the video to the members they were shocked on what they see.

Hy:don't tell me you filmed this by yourself to send to your bf
Y:hell no why would I send things like that to him we slept together but our relationship is not lime that it never come to my mind to send videos like thatto him.
S: alright lets think first.
Y:I think somebody set it up in my bathroom but who. Mybe we should check if there's still cameras in our room look for them carefully
All: ok

They check every were they might hide the cameras and they gathered to the living room after an hour of searching.

Y: uhhh it's too many I have 2 in my room
H: i found also 2 in my room
S: there is only 1 in mine
M: I don't have any is this an insult to me
Y: dumb ass did you look carefully
M:not really hehe
S:let's help her later we should call our company first to solve the problem it might get bigger it started only to you Yura maybe our videos are worse than yours.
H: yes i found mine in a spot that can capture me taking a bath

The girls contacted the company to discuss what happened and what should they do. The management discuss to the girls that they will give a statement to the press and file a law suit to the uploader of the video to start the investigation on wht happened.

Jognhyun called to Yura after his shooting of his drama.

J: babe how are you is everything alright ?
Y; the company say that they will conduct a personal investigation on what happen
J; that's great, how about you are you ok?
Y: no not really I am not in my right mind right now we can't even go outside or else the press will go wild this sucks!
J: you won't go outside even if I told you?
Y:uhhh why would I?
J: open the door of your apartment
Y:why did you send something? *lazily said*
J:better than that

Yura lazily go out of bed and go to the living room to open the door. In her surprise a man smiling sweetly while holding a bouquet of roses and chocolate in front of her.

Y:what are you doing here babe I thought you went home because your to tired?
J: Icame to visit you I know that you are having a hard time right now this is just a sime way to lighten things up for you. Here flowers and chocolate for my beloved girlfriend
Y:*blushed and smiled *thank you you don't have to do this
M:Yura who are you talk- ohhh hey brother in law sup. Oh Yura let him in.
Y:ohhh come in babe just sit there
M:hey bro you came to visit yura?
J:yes and the others to I just want to check on you guys if everything is ok. By the way can you call the others I bought some foods for everyone
M:heyyy guys come quickly brother-in-law is here to visit us he have some food for us let's eat!

All of them starts to eat and talked about what happened. Yura is happy that her boyfriend not only care for her but also to her friends and family because Jonghyun called her parents and asked if they were ok she is really touched on his actions.

Hy: you are so sweet to her what a luck girl how I wish I have a partner like you
Y :heyyy Hyeri he is mine only mine don't forget
Hy:ok ok also he isn't my type*looked to minah*
Minah didn't notice her because she is focused on her food.
J: hey babe don't be too jealous I wont replace you to other girls
S: ohhh please stop that it makes me cringe so hard
J:ok hehe. But can you guys assure that there are no cameras left here
Y: we are not sure about that but dont worry we are not walking naked in the living room
S: yes she is right we are not that crazy tou know

Jonghyun have an idea that pop in his mind….

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