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Defines as "protection, backing, or support" usually by a person or organisation. In Mystic High, the Aegis is an energy field of any given place, much like a shield, fortified by various magicks. It is designed to respond to certain forms of electrical waves so it is possible to track every single movement across the field. Only accessible through a 'key'.


Elementals have an affinity to a certain element/s. There are five major categories of these: Fire, Water, Air, Clay, and Energy. The affinity denotes the ability of magick-wielders to control that element. There may be sub-categorical elements such as Ice, Stone, or Shadow. Those are often non-specified and non-classified because of the sheer diversity in the elemental race.


Ahriman, Avestan Angra Mainyu ("Destructive Spirit"). The evil spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism. The creator of the darkest demons embodying wrath, envy, and similar evils. Ahriman is half demon and half wolf, just like the Norse tradition of Fenrir.


Sanctioned institutions of the Councils. There are currently only three recognised Chambers: on the elementals' side representing all those who wielded magicks; the weres' representing all those who shape-shift; and the vampires' which representing those who consume life force to survive.


Groups of internally selected (not democratically, but meritocratically) decision makers who govern their specific specie. Even the fairies and a few sentient minority groups had Council members.


Quite like what the world calls witches or warlocks. Witches or warlocks are psychics who can commune with the spiritual world, perform general divination, scrying, clairsensing, and perhaps some general healing. Elementals can do all of those, plus specialization in (usually one of) the five elements: fire, water, air, clay, and energy. They can be one of the most powerful beings in the supernatural world. To preserve their race, their Chamber enforced strict rules to prevent mortals from ever finding out their existence. Male elementals are taller and very lean, compared to female elementals who are often short to medium in height and may or may not be lean.


Enforcers are the soldiers and peacekeepers of the United Chambers. They were given the right to question all and any if it served a purpose. Whatever it may be. Powerful and neutral, they are composed by all species who are deemed able to fight and protect.


The fae are a group of different races that can be identified by their pointed ears and ability to nullify any type of magicks done unto them in harm. They originate from an ancient dimension known as Pandaemonium and recently began propagating outside of that realm. They do not have a sanctioned presence in the Chambers, instead are only represented by a small Council.


Rosicrucianism is an Arcane Order under guise as a philosophical secret society devoted to "esoteric truths". Rosicrucians are in fact factions of humans who study the supernatural and have gained knowledge allowing them to use a spoken language and sigils to tap into the powers of the spiritual realm. Most supernatural races have declared opposition to any defected organisations as they want to preserve exclusive rights and usage of powers naturally given to them for their usage.


(See above CHAMBERS) The United Chambers is the alliance between those specie who accept the authority of the Chambers; OR the unity of the three existing Chambers.


Vampires are adverse to the sun as their anatomy allows them to hunt most efficiently in the night. They do however get sun burnt very easily which causes them immense pain if under the sun for an extended period of time. Diana Mist College provides any vampires with special protection from the sun (the barrier) once they enter into school grounds which enables them to attend the day classes. Vampires have fangs that are retractable back into their gums. Vampires can move at incredible speeds and are the most agile of all the races, but their strength is equal to that of a human.


Guardians of restricted areas of the college. One touch freezes the intruder in its steps and they are often taken down to the lower levels of the college where a disciplinary officer would come to collect the perpetrator. Additionally, the Watchers may produce a magickally reinforced chain as a weapon and a restraining tool. 


Werewolves are humans who can transform partly and fully into a giant wolf, usually double the size of a normal wolf. Even in human form, they harbour a set of curved, larger than the human norm, and thicker set of canines. As opposed to vampires, whose fangs can be retracted back into their top gums, werewolf canines are set. Werewolves tend to have good tolerance for cold temperatures, has sharper senses, and are physically stronger even in human form. Male werewolves are physically much larger than female werewolves, who are often very petite. Regardless of height, female werewolves can be just as strong and just as agile as male werewolves even in human form.


An ancient monotheistic religion founded in the reign of the Persian Empire. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Zoroastrians believe that there is one universal, transcendent, supreme god, Ahura Mazda. Note, Ahura translates to "being" in Avestan and Mazda to "mind".  Zoroastrianism strongly advocates dualism. Dualism is the belief that every divine force has its co-equal eg. light and darkness. 

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