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'There is something magnificent about the look they send to me when they beg to live.' Rahad thought to himself. The room was dark, so his mind. He relaxed his body on the torn sofa situated at the farther corner of that room, far away from the shoutings and beggings from that boy who is currently getting beaten up by almost eight guys.

His guys.

His dogs.

The sound could be heard from anywhere in that building, but rahat has nothing to fear. He knew none will come forward to save that filthy guy.

He smirked to himself.

That will teach him a lesson why not to talk back to me.

Rahat rubbed his hands on his jeans pocket. His hands were paining, from how long he was also beating that little guy with a hard stick.

"Hey. Bring him here now." Rahat shouted over and all those eight guys looked back and with a harsh tag one of them presented him in front of rahat.

"Now look at you. To hurt to speak,right?" He said to the guy with lots of scars in front of him. He was beaten up badly. His nose was broken,some ribs must have broken. He was unrecognizable.

The guy with lot of scars, his name was fardin. He bented his head so low as if he was wanting to get  under the cold ground. Or perhaps he was too tired to look up.

Lucky that he couldn’t look up or else he may face the filthiest creature living on this whole world.

Rahat sent a last kick straight on fardin's chest. Fardin fell back with a thump.

"Talk back to me." Rahat grabbed fardin's hair and slammed his head as hard as he could. "Talk back to me!"

He repeated that again and again. Finally when fardin was relieved, Rahat stood up.

"Inform his roommates." With those last words rahat left the room.

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