Nazil was doing math since early in the Morning. He was checking all the old maths and searching for new and easy methods to solve  them. Thus he could save his time while doing complicated maths.

Even all this mental exercises he wasn’t tired a bit. No, he wasn’t any freak. He was just a math lover.

No wonder how he got chance into 3 top universities at the same time. But he choose Northern University for Engineering and Technology. His lifetime dream was becoming an Engineer. Now he was on it.

No disagree about that nazil was an genius. 20th position in the merit list of all the students around his country. He was top 20. He was best of the best.

A proud student and a proud son.

He smiled.

Remembered the last talk he had with his father, just some hour ago. He was proudly saying about his successful project that he got A+ from the teachers. How they were complimenting him as a gem.

Nazil was so happy that his life was going on track. His future plans were also set. Graduating from here and then he will take higher degree from USA.

He will come to his Motherland once his course Were completed. He Can't wait to do something for his country.

The country needs people like him. So motivated to his goals and hardly influenced by corruption. He  was a golden boy and he cannot wait to change the face of the country.

The patriotism grew inside his chest and pumped through his veins. The whole nation would be proud to give birth to son like him.

"Open it!" someone shouted outside the door.

Before he could react to anything more than ten people entered in his dorm room. They all had impatient looks on their faces.

"What is it?" Fardin was scared, his face was paled. He just didn’t knew how to react.

"Come now! Rahat bhai is asking for you."

Rahat? The senior batch student? Leader of the student league in this University?

Thousand of questions ran inside his head. And suddenly he realised why he was asked. He needed to run. He needed to run. He needed to-

He was suddenly engulfed by all those guys. And Their forceful tugs made his hands sore. He cannot utter a word because nobody would listen. They will take them no matter what.

Did anyone saw that incident? Even if they did..they will pretend otherwise.

Just the page of his white notebook and incomplete  math left behind.

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