Chapter One

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This is just a reminder that this is the second book of a five book series. If you haven't, I suggest finding the first book here-------> (Copy and paste, because it won't let me link)

The story CAN be read on its own, but there is some back story and characters that you won't know. I don't know, but it might be confusing. 

This is part of my Angels and Demons series and their world is pretty violent. In fact, the very first line of this story exemplifies that. I understand if it's not for all readers and my feelings won't be hurt if you turn away. 

Each book has the same characters from the first, but the story-lines focus on an individual character and a new partner. 

Again, the start is rough and you have my apologies. And in terms of being rough, I have done some edit, but am in the process of going over it again. There will probably be some rough patches. Please forgive me. 

Anyway, on with the story. 

Pain exploded across her face and the taste of blood filled her mouth.

She laughed, spitting at the demon. Through swelling eyes, she struggled to make him out. "You hit like a girl." Her lie fell from torn lips. His fists were sledge-hammers driving into her flesh.

"Tell me where they are, Batibat." Her attacker lowered his hand to pull her chin up and she met red eyes. "This can all be over."

She tried to smile. Did he think she was born yesterday? "I don't know who you're talking about."

He looked over her to the two that had her on her knees. Steel hands pulled her to her feet. The pain of her broken ribs ripped through her at the rough treatment and she forced her lips together. She would not let them hear what they did to her.

Her breath left her in an explosion as his fist broke another rib and she sagged in the arms holding her prisoner. Darkness touched the edge of what little sight she had left, promising her escape from the pain. Of course, like everything else about Hell, it lied, remaining out of reach. Fingers tightened on her chin, forcing her head up as a backhand brought a loud persistent ring to her ears.

Through the noise, she watched his lips move. Didn't the asshole realize she couldn't hear him? How did it come to this? Why did she leave the island?

His fist approached with agonizing slowness. The impact seemed far too devastating for the dragging punch. She felt her nose crunch from the force and she choked on the blood flowing down the back of her throat.

"Let's let her rest, boys. Give her a break," his voice came through the ringing.

The ground felt comforting beneath her back and she tried to curl in on herself, but hands still held her tight.

The cool night air stroked her naked skin. Hands gripped her legs, pulling them apart.

He was going to rape her.

Through the agony of her body, she kicked at him, shoving her legs, trying to keep him off her.

Her reward for self-preservation was a dazzling blow to the face and she felt her cheekbone splinter.

The enormous demon lay on top of her and as she felt him about to violate her, she gave them what they wanted. The scream burst from her and filled the night sky.

A kick from another demon's foot fractured her skull. She heard it, felt it, before the darkness took her, at long last making good on its promise.

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