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With one week left until school starts, The Loser's Club were doing everything they could to heal from their encounters with Pennywise and the loss of their fellow loser, Bev who had just moved away. They tried swimming around in the quarry and lazing about in their clubhouse that Ben built, but everything seemed hollow. They were too young to be adults, and had gone through too much to be kids anymore. Eventually they decided to just bike around the town together.

The silence between them as they rode together wasn't uncomfortable. A shout interrupted their introspective ride. Eddie was the first one who saw where it was coming from. A ways up in a yard on their right there you were being violently shook by a guy they vaguely recognized from school, he was an upperclassman. Eddie started unintentionally veering his bike in their direction until he saw the guy pick the girl up and slam her into shed.

In one fluid motion Eddie hopped off his bike, threw it down, and picked up a rock.

"Get the hell away from her," he shouted as he threw the rock.

After everything he had just been through, his confidence was through the roof. With his overacting brain out of the way, the rock hit its target.

"What the fuck," the guy exclaimed as he dropped the girl to touch the gash on his head, "you're gunna pay with that with your life you fucking punk."

"Try me bitch," Eddie shot back as he picked up another rock and threw it.

"Why don't you try all of us, asshole," Ritchie shouted as he came up behind Eddie.

"There's six of us and one of you," Stan pointed out.

"How confident do you feel with those odds," Mike added smoothly.

"Get lost," Ben said as he tried to look menacing.

Bill just stared him down, trying his best to cover up the shock he was feeling over Eddie's burst of heroics.

"Fuck this, you're damaged goods anyway, you're not worth it," the guy balked and then spit in your hair as he stalked away.

"That's fucking disgusting you asshole, do you have any idea how many germs are in spit," Eddie shouted in disgust, "And given your Neanderthal ass you probably just exposed her to diseases we haven't even heard of yet."

"And there Eddie is," Bill said smirking.

Eddie ignored him and crouched down to get eye level with you, "Are you okay?"

You were shaking and trying your best not to make eye contact.

"I didn't mean to scare you about the diseases," he rambled, "it only hit your hair so as long as you wash it you should be okay, not that I'm saying that you don't wash your hair cause that's ridiculous and –"

"Thank you," you say quietly.

His rambling calmed your nerves and you were able to look at him.

"He has kind eyes," you thought.

Eddie gulped as he looked you full in the face - what wasn't covered by your hair. You're really pretty, and suddenly his confidence from before fizzled out.

"Holy shit, you're bleeding," Ritchie exclaimed.

"Confidence back," Eddie thought as he went into medical mode.

"I've got a lot of experience patching up wounds and stuff is it okay if we help you?"

You nodded and Eddie began delegating.

"Okay, I don't have my fanny pack anymore so we've gotta improvise. Whose house are we closest to? Ritchie, Stan help her up! Bill, Ben, and Mike get our bikes out of the street!"

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