Early Bird

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"You're an overeager idiot," you mumbled to herself as you trudged through the woods, "they were just being nice and here you are almost there with a half hour to spare and now you're rhyming and OUCH!"

You rubbed your shoulder where you had gotten a tetanus shot per Eddie's recommendation. You blushed as you thought of how kind and concerned Eddie was in particular. Your sister, Mary, didn't exactly buy your story that you had wrecked your bike but your mom did and Mary didn't push the issue so all was good.

"Are you okay," a voice came from a distance.

You shot your head up in the direction of the voice holding your breath; only to let it go when you saw it was Eddie.

"Yea, I just accidentally brushed up against a branch on my tetanus shot."

Eddies eyes went wide, "You actually got one?"

"Wasn't I supposed to," you responded panicked.

"Yes! Sorry...I've just...never...had anyone...listen to me before," Eddie stuttered out.

"Well I don't want to lose my whole shoulder," you smirked quoting him from the day before.

Eddie turned a light shade of pink at your comment, and you decided to make it your mission to make that happen as often as possible.

"So you're here early," Eddie pointed out.

"So are you," you added awkwardly.

"Well I was worried that you may not know where to go...we weren't very specific on the instructions on how to get to the clubhouse," Eddie admitted as he turned pink again.

"So it wasn't just courtesy," you whispered.


"Sorry sometimes I say things out loud I don't mean to," you explained, "anyway so where is it?"

Eddie's smile widened and he pointed down to the ground, "Ben is actually really good at building things and made a hidden entrance and every thing come on!"

He turned and walked quickly towards the hidden entrance with you close behind him.

"Wow, this is awesome! I wish I met you guys before summer was almost over," you said smiling.

Eddie smiled briefly until he remembered just how he had spent his summer vacation.

"No, it's definitely better that we met now," Eddie said seriously before adding, "now we have a whole week before you get annoyed."

"I don't think I could ever get annoyed with you," you said quietly.

You two avoided one anothers gaze and stood in comfortably awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Chocolate chip cookies or snickerdoodles," you asked him out of nowhere.

"Chocolate chip cookies is that even a question? You?"

"Like you said not even a question," you smiled warmly as an idea formed in your brain.

"Marvel or DC," Eddie asked.

"Ooooof that's tough...I do love both....but Batman is my all time favorite so.....DC," she breathed waiting for judgment

"Holy shit I love you," Eddie said in a barely audible voice.

"What was that?"

"Holy shit me too," Eddie covered smoothly as he mentally high fived himself, "I don't know many girls that read comics."

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