The Adventure Begins

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"... and besides, he is ugly"

The final and most petty in a series of insults caused Gnasty Gnorc's temper to boil over, and within seconds, every dragon in all of the realms was crystallized.

 Every adult dragon, that is. 

"Looks like I've got some things to do," A purple dragon, Spyro, declared to no one in particular. The sheep he had been chasing thanked the heavens as the dragon galloped away, his yellow sidekick following close behind. 

On the grassy, bridge-like structure in front of the Artisans castle, Spyro found his first crystallized dragon. As he approached, there was a flash, and he screwed his eyes shut. Blinking away the shock, Spyro gazed up at Nestor, the dragon behind much of the furniture in said castle.

"Thank you for releasing me Spyro. Free 10 dragons in the Artisan world, then find the balloonist. He'll transport you to the next world."

"What about Gnasty Gnorc? I'm going after him!"

"Find dragons first, that's all I can tell you," with that, Nestor left, leaving a mildly annoyed Spyro in his wake. 

"Well," He declared after a moment, stretching, "We better get going then, C'mon Sparx!"


He wasn't the only one beginning a quest, however. Across a desert and up the mountains of Alpine Ridge, another young dragon, similar in appearance to Spyro, also faced the problem.

"Alright Zane, I gave the book to-Ooo..." The scarlet dragon trailed off in shock at what he saw.  Zane, who had only minutes ago sent him to deliver a book to Eldrid, had been replaced by a crystal statue of himself.

"Zane?" The dragon stepped forward cautiously, There was a flash and he heard a yelp. Zane righted himself and spoke, 

"A-ah! Oh! Flame, you scared me. Sorry I just— thanks. You should...go free more dragons! I think Cosmos might know what to do. Actually you could consult anyone else they'd probably give you better advice. Uh..." Zane stammered to a halt.

"Right, free some dragons, get some directions," Flame chimed, hoping the nervousness he felt wasn't given away in his tone, "See ya around Zane!"


In Beast Makers too, a young, shadow-scaled dragoness was about to encounter the issue. Her name was Cynder. As yet another attack frog fell victim to her wrath, a flash occurred behind her, and she whirled around, poised to strike. 

"Wha- Roscoe? Is that- Is he okay?" A red dragonfly stuttered from Cynder's side. 

"Shhh!" Cynder hissed sternly, "I'm sure he's fine, Echo, but whatever did that to Roscoe could still be nearby". She approached the statue like a huntress, quietly, with her eyes constantly scanning her surroundings. Still, she was somehow caught off guard when her proximity to the statue triggered another flash, and Roscoe stood before her.

"Ah, Cynder, Thank you for releasing me, but there still are others who..." Roscoe began, before glancing about worriedly, "There are still attack frogs here!"

Indeed there were. In fact, one stood beside Cynder ready to-


Cynder slapped it aside with her tail. 

"So?" Cynder said.

"How about we... ah... take care of those first, than talk?" Roscoe's suggestion was met with a shrug from Cynder, or at least, the closest to a shrug the quadruped could manage.


Elsewhere, a flash snapped a young Dream Weaver out of her daydreams. The pink dragoness looked about, seeing a statue nearby. She recalled that Uncle Lateef had sent her with Revilo to investigate Jacques' world, see if they could gather any information on the odd jester, though few things were odd by this world's standards. One time she had even seen-

"Earth to Ember, Hello-oh," Ember snapped back to reality again upon hearing her dragonfly's familiar buzzes. Her dragonfly friend, Lotus, was right on Ember's nose, glowing a bright green. 

"Now's not the time to zone out, buttercup; we've got some adventuring to do!" Lotus announced.

"Mhmm..." was Ember's half hearted reply. She didn't pay much attention to Lotus as she approached the statue, curious now. There was a flash, and then Revilo appeared. Ember wasn't too startled, but still took a step back.

"..." Revilo simply rocked back and forth.

"Hello-o, anything to say? " Lotus asked.

"Aah," Revilo yawned, "The young dragoness and her companion, what are you here for today?"

"Adventure, something in reality worth my time, a new friend, the usual," Ember replied.

"Hmm..." Revilo mused, "The Artisans world has some of those things, of course there are plenty of curiosities and agreeable dragons here too..."

"I... was mostly kidding..." Ember replied, though excitement and buzzing thoughts of adventure began to fill her mind, and it heavily leaked into her voice.

"I think we might have better things to-" Lotus began.

"Lotus, let's go to the Artisans," Ember's voice cut through Lotus' objection with a sudden ferocity. It was strong and energetic, perhaps giving away the drifting of her mind to this new place.

"I... what? I mean that sounds fun and all but I think, maybe, shouldn't we...?" Lotus trailed off but tried again, "Don't we have some stuff to take care of here?"

"No," Ember said simply and sharply.

"O-Kay then, No convincing you otherwise huh?" Lotus' tone was teasing as well as tired.

And thus, for every one of these young dragons



Behold the 1st chapter! 

Beginnings are hard but I think I did okay. 

Also yeah there shall be dragonfly OCs. Because this is the OT and young dragons HAVE to have dragonflies (I think)

Uh... yeah hope you enjoyed, I'd appreciate a comment or something I dunno

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