Handwoven, Homemade Sweet Dreams

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When the young dragons and their dragonflies returned to the Artisans home, it was about sunset. But Spyro...

He yawned...

Spyro wasn't tired. Sure, he'd just been through a fight that would've been pretty exhausting for any other, less skilled dragon his age, and sure he hadn't really slept since this whole thing started but-


He was fine. In fact he was more than ready to keep-

"Spyro, you've gotta rest! You can't keep adventuring in this state!" Ember interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah I can, watch me-" He "ran" up to one of Gnasty's goons that now inhabited the Artisans world, the harmless ones with no weapons that run away from everything.

Everything except an obviously fatigued Spyro, apparently. 

"See, Spyro, you couldn't even scare that doofus, and these guys are scared of everything!" She turned to the goon, "-no offense," she apologized, but the goon was already running away from her. Sighing, she continued, "Let's sleep now, and we'll head to the next world tomorrow, okay?"

"Sleep is for the weak," Spyro mumbled, and the Dream Weaver huffed in response, offended.

"Lack of sleep has left you weak," She retorted, her tone stinging and harsher than Spyro had ever heard it, but she quickly relaxed again, "take care of yourself and get some rest, please?"

"Fiiinnne..." Spyro rolled his eyes, "we'll... set up camp or something... around here..."

"Set up camp? Don't you have a house to sleep in?" 

"Yeah, we all sleep in that castle over there," he gestured with his tail to the structure, "but Gnasty's locked the door or something, can't open it."

Ember responded by going up to the door and opening it. "Really?" She asked. Spyro mumbled to himself and they went inside. 

On the ground floor was a general living area, plus a dining room to the side, but Spyro made his way to the stairs, and Ember followed close. The next floor appeared to be a nursery, but there were no baby dragons or eggs, and Spyro kept going up the stairs. On the third floor was the room for the child dragons who aren't toddlers.

"Welcome, I guess," Spyro said halfheartedly, making his way over to one of the beds.

"Where is everyone?" Lotus asked

"Crystallized, haven't you been paying attention?" Spyro responded.

"No, I mean the younger dragons- if you and Ember-"

"Not a lot of eggs in my year, or something, I dunno. Ask the adults. Oh, and if you want me to sleep so bad you should be quiet." With that, Spyro curled up in the bed. Ember padded across the floor and settled in near Spyro, but not right next to him. Spyro was already drifting off to sleep, and Ember soon closed her eyes as well. 

Only to open them back up again soon after. Everyone else was asleep, even Lotus, who was typically an insomniac. Ember always fell asleep before Lotus, except tonight, apparently. Ember wondered why she couldn't sleep tonight when usually it came so easily to her. Perhaps it was because she was in a strange place. Regardless, she stirred now, standing up. She looked at her new friends, all sleeping soundly, and an idea occurred to her. They had seemed kind of on edge recently, and she was a Dreamweaver-in-training. She could help them have sweet dreams,  with all the others crystallized, no one else would, and it would be good practice. She considered it for a moment and realized something.

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