Day 3: The Beach!!

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"Welcoooooome to a new daaaaaay aaaaaaat daycaaaaaaaaaare!!" I cheered, although the end was a little raspy due to me running out of breath. I held up the device in my hands and grinned. They're gonna be SO jealous. I skipped into the daycare and up the stairs before calling out, "Hi everybody...!" I slowly trailed off upon seeing...nobody. I looked around as I walked into the room a bit more. "Where is everybody...?" I mumbled. I glanced at the clock above the entrance way. I'm not early. Or late. Where is everybody??

I glanced out the big windows. Oh. Outside, a small pool was set up, along with some umbrellas and towels. There was also some sand piles placed here and there. " a poor beach." I sighed and went upstairs to change into my own swimsuit.


Once I got out, I was immediately welcomed by a certain taller amber haired boy. "Lilyyyy!!" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You're finally here!" he cheered. "Yeah, but only to criticize your beach." I dead-panned. Liam stared at me for a second, but the next thing I knew he was on his hands and knees on the ground. "I worked so hard on it, too..." I smiled and patted his head, "We can still go to the beach through the portal." I suggested. "But I didn't make that beach." Liam pouted. I mentally groaned. I should've thought this through. "Well..." I trailed off in thought, racking my brain for a solution. "Say!" I pointed a finger as an idea popped into my head. "Let's make a sand-house at the beach!!"

Liam slowly turned to me with a smug look. "Will you be the mom?" I rolled my eyes, "Fiiiiine..." Liam jumped back onto his feet. "Okay!" He pumped a fist before turning to our other friends. "Let's go, children!! We're going to the beach!" He called. "I am not your child." Gabby glared, who was currently attempting to make a sand castle with Carmen and Ronnie. "Oh, we're going to a real beach? Thank goodness." Puppet sighed, jumping out of the pool that her, Gold, Randi, and Ace were just in. She jumped over Zharia, who was currently trying to get a tan on one of the towels.

Zharia huffed angrily and sat up abruptly. "Keep your water drops to yourself." She scoffed, standing up. "Let's goooo!!" Tori rushed passed the chef girl, who was currently drying herself off. Tori stopped and turned to her. "You comin' Maaci?" Maki? Is that how it's spelled? Now that I think about it, we didn't get her name last night. "Yeah, I'm coming." Maaci tied a towel around her waist and walked passed Zharia. Once Maaci was far enough, Zhariah mumbled, "Huge hips, that girl," earning an elbow into the side by Gabby. "Ow!" Zharia hissed, before going to catch up with the others. I sighed and followed.


"Alright, who's doing the countdown?" Liam questioned and Maaci immediately raised her hand. "I wanna!" She chirped. "Alright then, Maaci, you're up!" Maaci grinned widely and inhaled deeply. "1! I mean--3! 2! 1! Gooooo!!" As soon as the words left her mouth, we all ran in.




"Alright! The beach!" Puppet cheered. Of course, being at a beach, there was sand everywhere. Actual beach umbrellas, actual beach towels, and even a small smoothie shack. "Cool!!" Tori ran off immediately into the water. Apparently that was the signal for everyone else to run about. Gabby walked over to the smoothie shack to take Carmen and Ronnie's order. Gold-Mann, Liam, and Randi started a sand-house/ sandcastle building contest. Maaci, Puppet, And Ace followed Tori into the water. Whilst Zharia once again attempted to catch a tan. I decided to go get a smoothie before helping Liam with his sand castle. Everything was going totally fine. I mean, until a loud noise practically deafened us all. "Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!!"

Everyone looked up to see...something nobody would even expect. "An airplane!?" I exclaimed. "What on Earth would an airplane be doing at a beach!?" Zharia yelled over the loud soaring sound. "Who cares, move out of the way!!" Puppet shouted, snapping all of us out of our trance. We all quickly ran back near the portal. It was far enough to where the plane wouldn't hit us. I shut my eyes tightly as the plane crashed.

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