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At a very young age, I learned to trust and believe in God. However, I did not realize how valuable faith truly was until much later in my life, when all the trouble began. It was during those times of trouble that I learned about God's unique way of speaking to His children. Whether it is through church, a spiritual friend, dreams, and, of course, the Bible—there is no doubt that God speaks to us all.

Now, I am originally from a small town in Alabama. I grew up in the Baptist Church, so, of course, having a certain degree of religious faith is quite common. However, one thing I learned the hard way is that when the Lord speaks to us, we have to listen to Him, or we may find ourselves in a world of trouble.

That is exactly what happened to me. I woke up one day and found myself in the pit of my own personal hell. On that day, when the police appeared at my doorstep, I made a promise to God. I promised the Lord that if He delivered me from the hands of my enemies, I would testify to any and everyone who would listen. And since I once heard that testimony is good for the soul, and that it has the ability to help others who may be secretly going through the same situation, I decided to put my pain on paper. Thus is the purpose of this book—to share with you my difficulties in life.

I only ask that you, the reader of this book, read with an open mind and heart, because everything that you are about to read has truly happened to me. No matter how bizarre or unbelievable some of the things may seem, my story is true. I hope and I pray that you are blessed by this. So, without further ado, this is it! My life, my testimony, and confession; the good, the bad, and even the shameful. This is the life of Nakita Lark.

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