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Mike wasn't next to El when she woke up the next morning, nor was his bag where he had left it the night before.

She figured maybe he had moved it and just went downstairs to get some breakfast, but then she spotted a folded up piece of paper on the nightstand and took that as a sign that he had left.

She grabbed the note and unfolded it, her eyes quickly scanning over his messy handwriting.

Thank you

(for letting me stay, not for drooling all over me in your sleep)

I probably won't be at school today so try not to worry too much about me

El rolled her eyes as she read the last line, knowing how smug his words were meant to come off as.

"Try not to worry too much about me," She repeated aloud, attempting to mock that cocky voice of his she's come to know all too well lately. "You asshole."

Her eyes read back over a certain part he had written and she got the sudden urge to wipe at her mouth. She could feel the dried up remains of what was actually drool from her mouth.


At least he had thanked her, that was nice of him.

El threw the note back where she found it and got out of bed. She had woken up a little later than usual, so she had to rush to get ready this morning.

Really, she wished that she could skip with Mike, but she didn't exactly know where he had gone off to. Skipping would also only get her in trouble and since she was enjoying not getting written up or spending her after school hours in detention, she didn't really want to do that.

Yesterday was her only exception and since she somehow didn't get in trouble for that, she really didn't want to push her luck.

"El! Hey!" Max called out, joining El where she stood in the short line for the snack machine.

"Hey." She smiled back at her, taking a few steps forward as the line moved up.

"So you never did tell me why Mike spent the night at your house." Max reminded her, looking expectantly for an answer until she gasped. "Wait, did you two..."

"No! We definitely did not." El assured her, though Max didn't look too convinced.

"Then why was he there?" She asked, looking awfully suspicious.

"It's no big deal, okay? He just needed a place to crash." El explained, not wanting to give off the wrong idea, but also not wanting to let anything slip relating to the actual reason he stayed over.

That was Mike's secret to tell, not hers, so she was going to do the right thing here and keep her mouth shut.

"Whatever you say." Max shrugged, casually leaning against the vending machine as El inserted her coins into the slot. "What are you doing tomorrow after school?"

"Nothing that I'm aware of, why?" El responded while pressing the buttons for the machine to give her a bag of Oreos.

"I wanna hang out! We could go to the mall or something."

El snatched her snack from the bottom of the machine and gave her full attention back to Max.

"Yeah sure, we can do something, that is, if Lucas will let you out of his sight for longer than ten minutes."

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